Events – Wednesday 10.10.
6:00 pm
Artist talk
with Sylvia Henrich and Stefanie Seufert
COPYRIGHTberlin Schwedenstraße 16 13357 Berlin www.copyrightberlin.de
6:00 pm
Artist talk
with Sylvia Henrich and Stefanie Seufert
COPYRIGHTberlin Schwedenstraße 16 13357 Berlin www.copyrightberlin.de
7:30 pm
Formative imagery - social obligation and the operational leeway of photography
Panelwith Heinrich Holtgreve (Agency OSTKREUZ), Ludwig Rauch (artist/lecturer/magazine photographer), Kathrin Tschirner (freelance photographer, aff gallery), Claudia Bühler and Agata Guevara (Graduates Jahrgang Zwölf)
moderation: Miriam Zlobinski (visual historian, photo editor).
Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Prinzenstraße 34 10969 Berlin www.jahrgangzwoelf.de
7:30 pm
Formative imagery - social obligation and the operational leeway of photography
Panelwith Heinrich Holtgreve (Agency OSTKREUZ), Ludwig Rauch (artist/lecturer/magazine photographer), Kathrin Tschirner (freelance photographer, aff gallery), Claudia Bühler and Agata Guevara (Graduates Jahrgang Zwölf)
moderation: Miriam Zlobinski (visual historian, photo editor).