Events Monday 29.10.

6:00 pm

80 Years “Poland Action”

Memorial Service

East European Jewish human trafficking
Concentration camps for foreigners?
Alternative measures instead of deportation
The flood of East European Jews
The wave of immigrants is halted
After World War I, refugee movements from Eastern Europe meet with rejection in many ...

Centrum Judaicum Oranienburger Straße 28-30 10117 Berlin

6:00 pm

80 Years “Poland Action”

Memorial Service

East European Jewish human trafficking
Concentration camps for foreigners?
Alternative measures instead of deportation
The flood of East European Jews
The wave of immigrants is halted
After World War I, refugee movements from Eastern Europe meet with rejection in many areas of German politics and society—also in Bremen. Demands to close the border, to deport refugees, or to build internment camps grow louder. Widespread talk of the “flood of foreigners,” “foreign domination,” and “burdensome foreigners.” Who is “useful” and is allowed to stay, who is “burdensome” and has to go? The classifications determine the refugees’ futures.
Dramatic reading with Peter Lüchinger, Michael Meyer, Petra-Janina Schultz, Markus Seuß


Centrum Judaicum - Stiftung Neue Synagoge Oranienburger Straße 28-30 10117 Berlin

Registration required
030 880 28 316