Rules of Participation

EMOP Berlin – European Month of Photography 2018
Rules of Participation for the Portfolio Reviews

During the Opening Days of the European Month of Photography Berlin 2018, the Portfolio Reviews will take place from Saturday 29th September to Sunday 30th September at the Helmut Newton Foundation / Museum Für Fotografie in cooperation with C / O Berlin. At this event, 80 photographers – practising artists and current students – will get the opportunity to present their photographic work in 15-minute one-on-one review sessions to world-renowned experts, including photographers, artists, curators, art directors, journalists and gallery owners. Candidates can submit their applications online from August 14 to September 3, 2018, 03:00 pm

Who are the reviewers? 

Milena Carstens (Head of Picture Desk ZEITmagazin, DIE ZEIT), Doris Gassert (Curator, Fotomuseum Winterthur), Matthias
Harder (Curator, Helmut Newton Stiftung, Berlin), Heike Catharina Mertens (Program Director, Hatje Cantz), Kim Knoppers (Curator, Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam), Christina Leber (Head of DZ Bank Kunstsammlung), Robert Morat (Robert Morat Galerie), Katia Reich (Galerie LOOCK), Anna Tellgren (Curator, Moderna Museet Stockholm) and Ralf Zimmermann (Picture Desk, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin) among others

How It Works

When applying, prospective participants can choose either three or six 15-minute sessions, as well as indicate their preferred reviewers. Portfolio Reviews will take place in four time-blocks over two successive days: from 11 am to 2:30 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm on both days, 29 September and 30 September 2018. Accepted participants will be charged a participation fee: €90 for three 15-minute sessions, €150 for six 15-minute sessions. 

How to Apply

Apply with the online form. The following sections must be completed:
- name, address, telephone number, website, email address
- preferred number of one-on-one sessions (three or six)
- preferred reviewers
- short description of your work, in German or English (max. 300 characters including spaces)
- short CV, in German or English (max. 500 characters including spaces)
- portfolio of no more than 20 photographs, in pdf-format (max. 5 MB)
By submitting your application, you agree to be available between the times of 11 am and 2 pm and 4 pm and 7 pm, on both 29 September and 30 September 2018.
The closing date for applications is 3 September 2018. At that point, EMOP Berlin will make a preliminary selection of 80 participants, chosen from all submissions received. The judges’ decision on the selection of participants is final. There is no legal recourse to challenge their selection.

If you are accepted for Portfolio Review, you will be notified no later than 10 September 2018. If accepted, the participation fee – €90 for three 15-minute sessions, €150 for six 15-minute sessions – must be transferred to EMOP Berlin by 20 September 2018 at the latest. Payment must be made by the deadline in order for the applicant to participate in the Portfolio Review. EMOP Berlin’s bank account details will be sent along with notification by 10 September 2018. Payment by bank transfer and Paypal only. Cash, credit cards or other modes of payment cannot be accepted. 

EMOP Berlin will try to assign every participant their chosen preferred Reviewers, but this cannot be guaranteed. Participants will be informed of their allocated Reviewers by 24 September 2018.


Participants affirm that they are the holders of copyright, rights of use, and all other proprietary rights for the images they submit, and they grant European Month of Photography Berlin 2018 the right to publish details from the work in response to press queries about the Portfolio Reviews 2018. All forms of data processing (e.g. collection, processing or transfer) will be carried out according to current legal requirements. We will store data of yours which is necessary to process your application. Where necessary in the processing the Portfolio Reviews, we may also pass this information to service providers commissioned and contracted by us. We will not disclose your data to any third parties. By submitting your portfolio, you agree to the conditions of participation. The organizers reserve the right to amend these conditions.

Payment of the participation fee guarantees your participation. There is no refund of the participation fee in case of illness, absence, or other personal circumstances. There will be no exceptions to this rule. The allocation of review sessions is not negotiable.


Portfolio Reviews:                  Saturday, 29 September and Sunday, 30 September 2018
                                                   each day from 11 am to 2:30 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm
Venue:                                       Helmut Newton Foundation / Museum für Fotografie
                                                   Jebensstraße 2, 10623 Berlin 
Participation fee:                     € 90 for three 15-minute sessions with three reviewers
                                                   € 150 for six 15-minute sessions with six reviewers
Important dates:
September 3, 2018                03:00 pm applications close
September 10, 2018              Email confirmation selected participants
September 20, 2018              Participation fee paid
September 24, 2018              Official confirmation and time schedule


Apply to:      
contact:                 Ms. Leipold,