Berlin IV

Berlin tattoo artist at IMAGO Camera—a portrait series by Susanna Kraus

Susanna Kraus

“I wish for a history of the look. For photography is the appearance of my self as another; a cunning dissociation of the consciousness of identity. ... ” (Roland Barthes) One’s own skin as a mirror of the ego: in another Berlin-themed portrait series, Susanna Kraus subjects personalities from the Berlin tattoo scene to a power play between the artistic, aesthetic, and formal requirements of IMAGO Camera and their view of themselves. The tattooed body is declared an art zone. Anyone who “inscribes” themself communicates both as a sculpture and sculptor. In addition to the staging and photographic reproduction in IMAGO Camera, a Gesamtkunstwerk is created—implemented in black and white, analogue, and with a single image. Susanna Kraus exclusively uses the IMAGO Camera for her photographic portraits. The unique 1:1 pieces, 60 x 200 cm in size, can be seen together with the IMAGO Camera in the rooms of the Aufbau Haus on Moritzplatz.