Stefan Boness, Pierro Chiussi, Robert Conrad, Chiara Dazi, Daniela Finke, Dagmar Gester, Stefan Hoederath, Ann-Christine Jansson, Thorsten Klapsch, Nika Kramer, Ingo Kuzia, Amélie Losier, Cordia Schlegelmilch, Rainer F. Steußloff, Yvonne Szallies, Andrea Vollmer, Sabine von Breunig

Borders: on maps, in the mind, in the soul, between neighbors, between countries. Borders as the fine line of transition, visualized by seventeen photographers of FREELENS e.V. Almost all FREELENS photographers originally come from journalism, the print variety of which is currently considered on its way out nearly everywhere. For EMOP Berlin—European Month of Photography Berlin 2018,FREELENS-Berlin has designed a newspaper in Berlin format in which each participant is presented with their works on a double-page spread. The paper will be carried by many photo-friendly places in Berlin. In the Salon Wellenmaschine, the main exhibition space, a pallette with these newspapers will be stacked in the middle of the room, inviting visitors to take copies; the show also features the individual double-page spreads on the walls of the salon, in chronological order. We see our exhibition form as an art project, as a counterpoint to the death of newspapers, and as an alternative to the normal exhibition, which is ordinarily limited to a single exhibition location.


12.Oct 6:00 pm

PRINT, WEB, APP... OR? ... On the Future of Photography

Panel & Artist talk

For EMOP Berlin 2018, photographers at FREELENS e.V. Berlin are designing a newspaper in Berliner format. In a conversation with newspaper and magazine editors, the public is warmly invited to discuss the future of print in the digitized world.

Organized by FREELENS Berlin

Salon Wellenmaschine Wassertorstraße 62 10969 Berlin