Symposium Bodyfiction

>> Free admission
>> in English

A symposium in the framework of the EMOP – European Month
of Photography. In cooperation with the Helmut Newton Stiftung and the
Museum für Fotografie.

Encounter 2014, © Alix Marie

This year, the advisory board of the European Month of Photography (EMOP) chose the title “Bodyfiction” to focus on the depiction of the human body in contemporary photography. A variety of exhibitions in Bratislava, Budapest, Vienna, and Luxembourg present works by a total of forty selected international artists all of whom work with the photographic reproduction of the human figure in a progressive way. EMOP will also be publishing a volume of the same name. With this symposium, the EMOP Berlin has organized the opening event for the multi-faceted investigation into the theme of the body. In short lectures and conversations with four artists, the potential of the body as a photographic motif will be discussed on a formal and thematic level. Nathalie Herschdorfer will deliver the keynote speech.


© Eva Schlegel

14 h | Welcome

Oliver Bätz (EMOP Berlin) & Matthias Harder (Curator, Helmut Newton Stiftung)


Paul Di Felice (Director EMOP Luxembourg) & Verena Kaspar-Eisert (Curator EMOP Vienna / KunstHausWien)

14.30 h | Keynote

Nathalie Herschdorfer (CH)

Nathalie Herschdorfer is a (born 1972) curator and art historian, director of the Museum of Fine Arts in Le Locle (Switzerland) and author/editor of numerous publications.

Presentations + Artist talks

15.15 h | ORLAN (F)
In conversation with Paul Di Felice

French artist ORLAN (born 1947 in Saint Étienne) and important exponent of body and performance art; founder of so-called carnal art.

16 h | Carina Brandes (D)
In conversation with Verena Kaspar-Eisert

Carina Brandes (born 1982 in Braunschweig, lives in Leipzig) stages herself and photographs her performative acts using a
delayed-action shutter release. She prints the photographs in her own darkroom.

17 h | Alix Marie (F)
In conversation with Paul Di Felice

Alix Marie (born 1989 in Paris) works with the media photography, sculpture, and installation. In 2017, she won the Düsseldorf
Portfolio Review Award. .

17.45 h | Eva Schlegel (AT)
In conversation with Verena Kaspar-Eisert

Austrian artist Eva Schlegel (born 1960 in Hall / Tirol) who lives and works  in Vienna.

afterwards | Screening

of the shortlist-candidates of the new VONOVIA AWARD FOR PHOTOGRAPHY 2018:


Please note that photographs, videos, and sound recordings will be made throughout the event for possible publication. With your attendance you allow the unlimited use of  the recordings.