
© Stiftung für Fotografie und Medienkunst mit Archiv Michael Schmidt

23 AUG 2020 - 17 JAN 2021

Michael Schmidt - Retrospektive
Photographs 1965 - 2014

Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart - Berlin

Michael Schmidt (1945–2014) occupies a unique position in German postwar photography. Born in Berlin, he discovered the medium of photography as a form of artistic expression in the mid-1960s. The retrospective in Hamburger Bahnhof portrays his life work and also represents the first exhibition of the photographer’s oeuvre in his hometown of Berlin in 25 years.

Schmidt developed an individual photographic method of accessing reality for each of this work groups. These included portraits, self-portraits, cityscapes, landscapes and still lifes,

Invalidenstraße 50-51
10557 Berlin

Opnening hours:
TUE - FR 10-18 h I SAT - SUN 11-18 h

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Frank Gaudlitz

26 SEP 2020 - 31 JAN 2021

Photographs 1986 - 2020

Potsdam Museum - Forum für Kunst und Geschichte

Frank Gaudlitz is one of the most important contemporary German photographers. The work of this Potsdam native, who was trained at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, is characterized by a cosmopolitan view and an unconventional and critical view of the present. For the first time, the Potsdam Museum is paying tribute in retrospective form to the photographic work of Frank Gaudlitz over a period of 34 years, offering the opportunity to follow his photographic intuition from Potsdam to different parts of the world - from east to south - under the most diverse artistic challenges.


Am Alten Markt 9
14467 Potsdam

Opnening hours:
TUE - SUN 12-18 h

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Michael Schäfer, IL 06, Detail

4 OCT  - 1 NOV 2020

Michael Schäfer
Invasive Links

Benhadj&Djilali Museum
in Kooperation mit Galerie Springer Berlin

For his "Invasive Links" series, Michael Schäfer uses screen shots of videos taken by participants or witnesses of the war zone. Using the technique of digital montage he then inserts protagonists in mundane, everyday situations into the image spaces of the video stills. For this purpose he takes pictures with his studio camera of friends, aquaintances and of himself. This personal closeness is important to him in order to establish a collective "we", to visually build a connection between "us" and the conflicts taking place elsewhere. Presented as large-scale photographs on wallpaper, the images leave an immediate

Preview: 4 OCT  16 - 19 h
Vernissage: 9 OCT 19- 22 h

Torstraße 170
10115 Berlin

Opening Hours:
TUE - SAT  12 - 18 h

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6 OCT 2020 - 29 JAN 2021

Fascination Science.
Herlinde Koelbl

berlin-brandenburgische AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN

From astronomy to biochemistry, from quantum physics to stem cell research to artificial intelligence: Herlinde Koelbl has portrayed 60 of the world's most important natural scientists in a very unusual way. A formula, a philosophy, a quotation: the photo artist asked the people portrayed to write down the quintessence of their research on their hands. In this way, the fascination of science becomes tangible in the literal sense.
Herlinde Koelbl tells about the researchers as people who are searching for the mysterious, which Einstein, one of the most famous members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, spoke of. The interviewees also sketch their personal experiences, successes and setbacks on their way to the top.

Vernissage  2 OCT 20 h
                       LIVESTREAM (german)

Akademiegebäude am gendarmenmarkt
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin

Opening Hours:
MON - FR  10 - 20 h

>>time slot reservation

Bastian Thiery

16 OCT - 13 NOV 2020

Bastian Thiery


In the Weserkiez district of Neukölln, photographer Bastian Thiery went in search of a limping fox, inspired by a nocturnal encounter.
Away from the hustle of the big city and the nightlife, Bastian Thiery finds mysticism in the banal; follows lonely figures and wild animals. The resulting book draws a portrait of nocturnal Neukölln, a modern fable about and with the fox.
At night, the entire series is projected onto the shop windows of the gallery, inviting the nocturnal strollers to join the photographer in his search for clues and rediscover their own neighbourhood.

One night, in my neighbourhood, I saw a limping fox.
He was curious, waited for me to approach him, running away when
our distance became too small — only to wait again.
I took five pictures of the fox that night, until he dispeared behind
a fence, leaving me with the urge to encounter him again.

— Bastian Thiery

Weserstraße 56
12045 Berlin

Opening Hours:
MON - FR  14 - 18 h

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Tamara Eckhardt

21 OCT - 26 NOV 2020

Tag ein, Tag aus

Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie


Seven young photographers from the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie have come together to take a pictorial look at the Corona pandemic and the resulting crisis. We have used the past half year and the worldwide standstill to develop photographic positions on the current situation on our own initiative. The result of this work are seven series that take a stand on living conditions under Corona in their own unique way. Ludwig Rauch has curated these works. Delia Friemel's work is about the attempt to build a new community, while Ekaterina Zershchikova's series provides insights into the changed reality of young people from Russia and Germany. In contrast, Jonas Berndt's visual diary follows the approach of creating an atmospheric contemporary document of social distance. Liam Noack also transports a mood of crisis in his photo essay. Milan Koch's work deals with anti-Corona protests. As a single mother, Natalia Kepesz dealt with the growing up of her daughter in the crisis. Tamara Eckhardt shows in a reportage a hostel that became a temporary home for 200 people whose existence is threatened by the pandemic.

Artists: Delia Friemel, Ekaterina Zershchikova, Jonas Berndt, Liam Noack, Milan Koch,
Natalia Kepesz, Tamara Eckhardt
Curator: Ludwig Rauch

Müllerstraße 163
13353 Berlin

Opening Hours:
Tue - Sun  14 - 18 h

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