Events Friday 2.10.

6:00 pm

Artist Talk with Marie Tomanova

Artist Talk

With the photographer Marie Tomanova – living in New York and born in the Czech Republic – and the curator Thomas Beachdel we talk about her journey from a small Czech town to the multicultural metropolis. Why did she as a trained ...

Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin Wilhelmstraße 44 Eingang Mohrenstr. 10117 Berlin

6:00 pm

Artist Talk with Marie Tomanova

Artist Talk

With the photographer Marie Tomanova – living in New York and born in the Czech Republic – and the curator Thomas Beachdel we talk about her journey from a small Czech town to the multicultural metropolis. Why did she as a trained painter take up photography only after her relocation? What role plays photography in dealing with her own identity as well as with the identity of young New Yorkers? And why do her pictures attract attention worldwide? Do they gain even more relevance in the current political development in the US? The discussion will be in English.


Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin Wilhelmstraße 44 Eingang Mohrenstr. 10117 Berlin

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