Events Wednesday 28.10.

7:00 pm

Screening JU.KALI, 30 min, Director Laura Maria Görner, Albanien 2019 und guided exhibition tour


Ju.Kali - The search for freedom and desire brang me to a land of paradox beauty: Albania. The simplicity of their living culture seems to me like burden and release at once. And then, I am dreaming. Of a horse ...

University of Applied Sciences Dessauer Straße 3-5 10963 Berlin

7:00 pm

Screening JU.KALI, 30 min, Director Laura Maria Görner, Albanien 2019 und guided exhibition tour


Ju.Kali - The search for freedom and desire brang me to a land of paradox beauty: Albania. The simplicity of their living culture seems to me like burden and release at once. And then, I am dreaming. Of a horse (alb. kali). It’s riding through the width of plain and brings the indian soul back home. And suddenly she (alb. ju) was standing there, in the middle of a chain of mountains and clouds where sunlight was interfusing theatrically. Water, earth, air and fire seemed to be united. A unit. People so poor and yet so rich. What is wealth actually?


University of Applied Sciences Europe Berlin, Fachbereich Art & Design-Photography Dessauer Straße 3-5 10963 Berlin

Registration required
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