Events Wednesday 28.10.

6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

10€ / 8€