
2.10. 11:00 am

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Tokihiro Sato

Artist Talk

Tokihiro Sato "paints" with light, moving like a performer in front of the camera. In his works, the moment of time actually becomes visible and leaves traces in diverse settings. The Japanese artist's black-and-white photographs thus unfold a poetic ...

PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

2.10. 11:00 am

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Tokihiro Sato

Artist Talk

Tokihiro Sato "paints" with light, moving like a performer in front of the camera. In his works, the moment of time actually becomes visible and leaves traces in diverse settings. The Japanese artist's black-and-white photographs thus unfold a poetic effect and at the same time examine the determinants of the medium itself. Friedhelm Hütte, head of Deutsche Bank’s art department, talks with the artist, who lives in Tokyo, about his works and artistic practice.


PalaisPopulaire - Art, Culture & Sports by Deutsche Bank Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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Online event

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7.10. 6:00 pm

Online Filmscreening: „Meteo” (1990, 102 min, R.: András Monory Mész)


Die postapokaliptische Sci-Fi spielt mit dem Traum des schnellen Reichwerdens – vor dem Hintergrund einer distopischen Gesallschaftsordnung, die an den zerfallenden Sozialismus erinnert.

Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

7.10. 6:00 pm

Online Filmscreening: „Meteo” (1990, 102 min, R.: András Monory Mész)


Die postapokaliptische Sci-Fi spielt mit dem Traum des schnellen Reichwerdens – vor dem Hintergrund einer distopischen Gesallschaftsordnung, die an den zerfallenden Sozialismus erinnert.


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

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online event

in Hungarian with English subtitles

Registration required

Registration required

7.10. 8:00 pm

Online Filmscreening: „Eskimo Woman Feel Cold” (1983, 111 min R.: János Xantus)


In dem postmodernen Melodrama erscheint hinter der tragischen Geschichte eines Liebesdreiecks fast die ganze Budapester Underground-Musikszene der 80er Jahre.

Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

7.10. 8:00 pm

Online Filmscreening: „Eskimo Woman Feel Cold” (1983, 111 min R.: János Xantus)


In dem postmodernen Melodrama erscheint hinter der tragischen Geschichte eines Liebesdreiecks fast die ganze Budapester Underground-Musikszene der 80er Jahre.


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

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online event

in Hungarian with English subtitles

Registration required

Registration required

13.10. 7:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Adrian Paci

Artist Talk

In his works, the artist Adrian Paci investigates migration, the consequences of globalization, and the transformation of cultural identities. This is also the case in his photo series “Back Home,” which is currently on view in the “Time Present” exhibition ...

PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

13.10. 7:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Adrian Paci

Artist Talk

In his works, the artist Adrian Paci investigates migration, the consequences of globalization, and the transformation of cultural identities. This is also the case in his photo series “Back Home,” which is currently on view in the “Time Present” exhibition. In the series, the artist portrays families who emigrated from his home country Albania and in doing so deconstructs the meaning of the term “to be at home.” Britta Färber, Chief Curator of the Deutsche Bank Collection, talks with the artist about his works and artistic practice.


PalaisPopulaire - Art, Culture & Sports by Deutsche Bank Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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online event - live streaming

Registration required

Anmeldung erforderlich

17.10. 2:00 pm

PhotoDérive - Playful city exploration

PhotoWalk - Virtual tour

The PhotoDerive is a photo exploration of our spaces, based on the Dérive, a cultural practice with its genesis in psychogeography. The Dérive is "a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiences. Dérives involve playful-constructive behaviour and ...

online, , ,

17.10. 2:00 pm

PhotoDérive - Playful city exploration

PhotoWalk - Virtual tour

The PhotoDerive is a photo exploration of our spaces, based on the Dérive, a cultural practice with its genesis in psychogeography. The Dérive is "a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiences. Dérives involve playful-constructive behaviour and awareness of the effects of space on us, and are thus quite different from the classic notions of journey or stroll. Participants will create their own derive and document it with photos and a story. They will receive instructions online after registration. Photos and stories will later be presented in a collective online exhibition.

Organized by Fotomarathon Berlin - Verein für Ereignisse e.V


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online event

Registration required

10 €

21.10. 7:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Andrea Galvani

Online / Artist Talk

“The only way to extend a limit is to cross it,” says Andrea Galvani. The utopia of a world without borders inspires the work of the Italian artist, who divides his time between the USA and Mexico. “Time Present” includes ...

PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

21.10. 7:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Andrea Galvani

Online / Artist Talk

“The only way to extend a limit is to cross it,” says Andrea Galvani. The utopia of a world without borders inspires the work of the Italian artist, who divides his time between the USA and Mexico. “Time Present” includes his work “Llevando una pepita de oro a la velocidad del sonido #6,” in which a plane breaks the sound barrier and thus also a border. Britta Färber, Chief Curator of the Deutsche Bank Collection, talks with the artist and about his works and artistic practice.


PalaisPopulaire - Art, Culture & Sports by Deutsche Bank Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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add. live streaming

Registration required

23.10. 6:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Martin Liebscher

Online Artist Talk

Here the artist makes the music: Martin Liebscher photographed himself 6,000 times in different poses at the Berliner Philharmonie concert hall. This large-format photograph from his series “Family Photos,” currently on view in the show “Time Present,” humorously investigates ...

PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

23.10. 6:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Martin Liebscher

Online Artist Talk

Here the artist makes the music: Martin Liebscher photographed himself 6,000 times in different poses at the Berliner Philharmonie concert hall. This large-format photograph from his series “Family Photos,” currently on view in the show “Time Present,” humorously investigates the coordinates of identity, time, and space, as well as the ideal of the artist genius. Friedhelm Hütte, head of Deutsche Bank’s art department, talks with the Berlin-based artist about his works and artistic practice.


PalaisPopulaire - Art, Culture & Sports by Deutsche Bank Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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Live streaming HERE

28.10. 6:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Anett Stuth

Online Artist Talk

In her photographs, the Leipzig-born artist Anett Stuth creates imaginary, architectural spaces in which present and past, interior and exterior, photography and painting overlap. At the same time, her works show the artistic possibilities enabled by the virtual age. Britta ...

PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

28.10. 6:00 pm

Deutsche Bank Collection Live - Meet Anett Stuth

Online Artist Talk

In her photographs, the Leipzig-born artist Anett Stuth creates imaginary, architectural spaces in which present and past, interior and exterior, photography and painting overlap. At the same time, her works show the artistic possibilities enabled by the virtual age. Britta Färber, Chief Curator of Deutsche Bank Collection department, talks with Anett Stuth about her artistic practice, her perception of time, and her important thematic group “Today is the Past.”


PalaisPopulaire - Art, Culture & Sports by Deutsche Bank Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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Live streaming Here

29.10. 7:00 pm

Ein Gespräch mit Anika Meier

Online Interview

The exhibition "Time Present – Photography from the Deutsche Bank Collection" presents a broad spectrum of international photography. But what about the so-called applied photography? How is the photographic image used today? These questions are answered by cultural scientist and Monopol ...

PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

29.10. 7:00 pm

Ein Gespräch mit Anika Meier

Online Interview

The exhibition "Time Present – Photography from the Deutsche Bank Collection" presents a broad spectrum of international photography. But what about the so-called applied photography? How is the photographic image used today? These questions are answered by cultural scientist and Monopol columnist Anika Meier in conversation with the artist Anna Ehrenstein.


PalaisPopulaire - Art, Culture & Sports by Deutsche Bank Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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Online Live streaming