
9.10. - 11.10. 3:00 pm

Berlin – a cross section­Architekturphotographie im urbanistischem Kontext


Das photographische Porträtieren von Gebäuden in ihrem urbanistischem Kontext steht im Fokus dieses Workshops. Unter der fachlichen Leitung von Experten erstellen die Teilnehmenden entlang einer imaginären Linie vom Mittelpunkt Berlins bis zum Sitz von p: photography unlimited ...

p: photography unlimited berlin e.V., Wilhelminenhofstr. 68A - (Haus 15), 12459 Berlin,

9.10. - 11.10. 3:00 pm

Berlin – a cross section­Architekturphotographie im urbanistischem Kontext


Das photographische Porträtieren von Gebäuden in ihrem urbanistischem Kontext steht im Fokus dieses Workshops. Unter der fachlichen Leitung von Experten erstellen die Teilnehmenden entlang einer imaginären Linie vom Mittelpunkt Berlins bis zum Sitz von p: photography unlimited einen repräsentativen Querschnitt der Stadt und ihrer Bauten. Eine ausführliche theoretische Einführung zu Beginn sowie eine Schulung zum Post-Processing und eine Bildbesprechung runden die Veranstaltung ab.


p: photography unlimited berlin e.V. Wilhelminenhofstr. 68A - (Haus 15) 12459 Berlin

Additional Information

9.10.2020 15.00 bis 19.00 Uhr (im Anschluss lockeres get-together)

10.10.2020 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr (on location)

11.10.2020 9:00 bis 16:00 (postprocssing und Bilddiskussion)


Rückfragen bitte telefonisch unter: +49 30 64 07 23 55

Registration required

390€ für 3 Tage Workshop, 2x Verpflegung, 1 Print

290€ für Studierende oder Photograph*Innen in Ausbildung

14.10. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

14.10. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

10 € / 8 €

17.10. 10:00 am

Advanced Wet Plate Photography


Du hast schon Erfahrung mit Tintypes und Ambrotypien und willst einen Schritt weiter gehen? Wollest du schon immer deine eigenen Großformat Negative machen und sie auf eigenen handgemachten Fotopapier abziehen?

Nun ist es soweit. Erfahre mit uns den wundersch ...

PhotoWerkBerlin, Sanderstr. 22, 12047 Berlin,

17.10. 10:00 am

Advanced Wet Plate Photography


Du hast schon Erfahrung mit Tintypes und Ambrotypien und willst einen Schritt weiter gehen? Wollest du schon immer deine eigenen Großformat Negative machen und sie auf eigenen handgemachten Fotopapier abziehen?

Nun ist es soweit. Erfahre mit uns den wunderschönen und einzigartigen Prozess von Nassplatten Kollodium Negativen und Salzdrucken.

Viele von uns kennen die konkurrenzlose Detailgenauigkeit, den Tonwertreichtum und die Tiefe von Nassplatten als Positiv-Verfahren (Tintypes und Ambrotypien). Abzüge von Nassplatten "Negativen" sind das alles und mehr. Im Workshop werden die Unterschiede in der Herstellung von Nassplatten "Negativen" und "Positiven" erarbeitet. Es werden unterschiedliche Qualitäten von Kolloidium, ferner Entwickler (Eisen gegen Pyro) und Fixier Formeln besprochen. Darüber hinaus wird der "Negativ"-Prozess, im Vergleich zum "Positiv"-Prozess erklärt, einschließlich der Thematik der Belichtung, Entwicklung und des "Albumin-Subbing". Schließlich wird die Idee hinter den Techniken der "Wiederentwicklung" und "Intensivierung" beleuchtet und praktiziert. Gesalzenes Papier, eines der frühesten Mittel, um fotografische Negative zu drucken, lässt Prints entstehen, die mit dem Reichtum von Platin / Palladium konkurrieren. Darüber hinaus können zahlreiche Farben von Braun bis Schwarz mit verschiedenen Tonern erreicht werden. Papierüberlegungen, Expositionsmöglichkeiten (Sonne vs. künstliches Licht), Tönung, Druck "schwierige" Negative und Handwachs werden diskutiert, demonstriert und im Detail geübt.

In Deutsch und Englisch. Der Kurs ist limitiert für 4 Teilnehmer*innen.

Mit David Puntel


PhotoWerkBerlin Sanderstr. 22 12047 Berlin

Registration required

450 €

21.10. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

21.10. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

10 € / 8 €

24.10. 12:00 pm

The Photo Portfolio


Wie präsentiere ich einer/m Interessent*in, Kurator*in oder Galerist*in die Essenz meiner Arbeit? Ist die optimale Präsentationsform die Mappe, die Wand oder das Web? Wie ist das Zusammenspiel von Form und Inhalt?

Der erste Eindruck ...

PhotoWerkBerlin, Sanderstr. 22, 13047 Berlin,

24.10. 12:00 pm

The Photo Portfolio


Wie präsentiere ich einer/m Interessent*in, Kurator*in oder Galerist*in die Essenz meiner Arbeit? Ist die optimale Präsentationsform die Mappe, die Wand oder das Web? Wie ist das Zusammenspiel von Form und Inhalt?

Der erste Eindruck zählt, oder wie man in Amerika sagt: „You'll never get a second chance to make a first impression. “

Ziel ist es, die individuelle künstlerische Arbeit effektiv zu kommunizieren. Norbert Wiesneth wird anhand von Beispielen ausführlich den Prozess der Bildauswahl und die geeignete Form des Portfolios für den jeweiligen Anlass darstellen und Strategien für die Perfektionierung der Präsentation entwickeln. Am Ende des Kurses können mitgebrachte Portfolios der Teilnehmer*innen besprochen werden.

Organized by PhotoWerkBerlin

PhotoWerkBerlin Sanderstr. 22 13047 Berlin

Registration required…


26.10. 11:00 am

Workshop Image Description


On 23.9.2020, a new EU directive will come into force, which obliges public bodies to make their websites barrier-free, i.e. to provide them with so-called Alt-Texts or Image Descriptions. Our workshop teaches the basics of understandable image ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

26.10. 11:00 am

Workshop Image Description


On 23.9.2020, a new EU directive will come into force, which obliges public bodies to make their websites barrier-free, i.e. to provide them with so-called Alt-Texts or Image Descriptions. Our workshop teaches the basics of understandable image descriptions: The sighted participants describe selected pictures for the blind participants. In the interaction of the mixed group of sighted and blind participants, the attention is directed to a precise transmission of what is seen and visual perception is trained. The workshop is aimed at directors and employees of museums, galleries and cultural institutions as well as to freelance museum educators and education officers and aims to support them in their daily work. Prior knowledge is not required.

Organized by f3 – freiraum für fotografie in Kooperation mit Fotostudio für blinde Fotograf*innen

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

20€ / 15€

28.10. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

28.10. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

10€ / 8€

4.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

4.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

Registration required

10 € / required 8 €

11.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

11.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

Registration required

10 € / reduced 8 € 

18.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

18.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

Registration required 

10 € / reduced 8 € 

25.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black ...

f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

25.11. 6:00 pm

Lightpainting Workshop: Learning to see from the blind


The technique of light painting is almost as old as photography itself. In a completely darkened room, the aspects of a picture that are to be conveyed are worked out with self-chosen, very different light sources. Everything else remains black. With a little practice and expertise, very expressive pictures can be created. In the context of the exhibition "Blind Photographers" the photographers of the "Photo Studio for Blind Photographers" offer Lightpainting Workshops for sighted people and instruct them in the technique they master with virtuosity. This workshop is aimed at beginners and covers the basics of light painting. Previous knowledge is not required.


f3 - freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin

Registration required

Registration required 

10 € / reduced 8 €