Portfolio Reviews

Present your photographs in one-on-one discussions, explain your image ideas in person and benefit from the knowledgable opinions and suggestions of 28 international experts! For Portfolio Reviews on Saturday September 29th and Sunday 30th, you'll have the chance as a photographer, artist or student to present your photographic work to world-renowned experts in 15 minute-long individual discussions – including photographers, curators, art directors, journalists and gallery owners. You can find an overview of the reviewers at the end of this page. 

The application process is completed.



Where: Museum für Fotografie / Helmut Newton Foundation, Jebensstraße 2 . 10623 Berlin
When: September 29th and 30th, 2018, each of them from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm / 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm 
Participation Fee: 3 discussions for 90 EUR, 6 discussions for 150 EUR
Application Deadline: September 3th, 2018, 03:00 pm

You can find the rules of participation here.


  • Franiziska Schmidt

    Researcher / Curator / Writer / Lecturer / Specialist / Assessor / Manager

    Franiziska Schmidt

    Franiziska Schmidt

    Researcher / Curator / Writer / Lecturer / Specialist / Assessor / Manager

    Franiziska Schmidt


    Franziska Schmidt / Studied art history and German at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg / Worked as a researcher, curator, writer, lecturer, specialist, assessor, and manager / Regularly took part in international juries and symposia / Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie e.V. / 1994–2000 Freelance member and curator at the photography collection of Kunstmuseums Moritzburg, Halle/Saale / 2000–2001 Received “Museum Curator for Photography” scholarship from Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung / 2005–2007 Artistic director and managing director of Museum für Photographie, Braunschweig / 2002–2005 Director of Galerie Berinson, Berlin / 2007–2017 Head and expert for Grisebach Auctions’ photography division, Berlin.


    Curators, Professors, Museum

  • Dr. Christiane Stahl

    Director of Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, Berlin

    Dr. Christiane Stahl Photo: © Loredana Nemes

    Dr. Christiane Stahl

    Director of Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, Berlin

    Dr. Christiane StahlPhoto: © Loredana Nemes


    Dr. Christiane Stahl / Born1963 / Studied art history, theater and film studies at École du Louvre Paris and Freie Universität Berlin / Since 2002 Head of Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung / Talks, publications, jury member and lecturer with a focus on modern and contemporary photography.



    Art Historians, Professors, Gallery, Museum
