Portfolio Reviews

Present your photographs in one-on-one discussions, explain your image ideas in person and benefit from the knowledgable opinions and suggestions of 28 international experts! For Portfolio Reviews on Saturday September 29th and Sunday 30th, you'll have the chance as a photographer, artist or student to present your photographic work to world-renowned experts in 15 minute-long individual discussions – including photographers, curators, art directors, journalists and gallery owners. You can find an overview of the reviewers at the end of this page. 

The application process is completed.



Where: Museum für Fotografie / Helmut Newton Foundation, Jebensstraße 2 . 10623 Berlin
When: September 29th and 30th, 2018, each of them from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm / 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm 
Participation Fee: 3 discussions for 90 EUR, 6 discussions for 150 EUR
Application Deadline: September 3th, 2018, 03:00 pm

You can find the rules of participation here.


  • Sylvia Ballhause


    Sylvia Ballhause

    Sylvia Ballhause


    Sylvia Ballhause


    Sylvia Ballhause / Born 1977 / Studied communication design and fine-art photography at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig with Christopher Muller and Beate Gütschow. / Her works have been shown in numerous group exhibitions and photo festivals, including “(Miss)Understanding Photography” (2004) at Museum Folkwang in Essen and Les Rencontres d’Arles. / From 2013 to 2017 she worked as a curatorial assistant at the city-run Galerie Zephyr – Raum für Fotografie in Mannheim. / Currently she is the project director for Days of Photography in Darmstadt.

    Photo: © Daniel Lukac


    Curators, Festival makers, Photographer, Gallery


  • Nadine Barth

    Consulting Editor Verlag Hatje Cantz, Berlin

    Nadine Barth

    Nadine Barth

    Consulting Editor Verlag Hatje Cantz, Berlin

    Nadine Barth


    Nadine Barth / Studied philosophy, literature and art history in Hamburg / Worked for many years as a journalist and art dealer / 2006 founded the barthouse culture concepts agency for art and communications / Editor of diverse publications on photography and fashion including Vanishing Landscapes and Traumfrauen (both 2008), Traummänner, Amazonen and German Fashion Design (all 2011), Daniel Josefsohn: OK DJ (2014), Anatol Kotte: Iconication and Martin Roemers: Metropolis (both 2015), Andres Serrano: Salvation and BerlinRaumRadar (both 2016) / Curator of exhibitions including for the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg, MAMM in Moscow, Puma in Singapore and the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin / 2013 to present: consulting editor for photography art books at Hatje Cantz / Nadine Barth lives and works in Berlin.


    Curators, Publishing house, Gallery

  • Michael Biedowicz

    Photo editor for ZEITmagazin and galerist at pavlov’s dog, Berlin

    Michael Biedowicz

    Michael Biedowicz

    Photo editor for ZEITmagazin and galerist at pavlov’s dog, Berlin

    Michael Biedowicz


    Michael Biedowicz / Born 1955 / Worked as a theater photographer at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin and as a fine arts photo editor at taz – die tageszeitung and Wochenpost / Since 1997 Employed at DIE ZEIT and as photo editor at ZEITmagazin since 2007 / Curator and gallerist at pavlov’s dog /  Member in numerous juries (including jury spokesperson, Deutscher Jugend Fotopreis, Photographers Association of the Netherlands [PANL], Körber Stiftung, Lotto Kunstpreis Berlin/Brandenburg, Leica Oskar Barnack Award) / Guest lecturer at Merz Akademie Stuttgart, Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin and Design Akademie Berlin / 2014 Appointed to Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) / Since 2017 Lecturer at Lette-Verein Berlin / Michael Biedowicz lives and works in Berlin.


    Photographer, Professors, Newspaper, Gallery


  • Estelle Blaschke

    Professor /Scientist for History and Theory of Photography at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne)

    Estelle Blaschke

    Estelle Blaschke

    Professor /Scientist for History and Theory of Photography at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne)

    Estelle Blaschke


    Estelle Blaschke / b. 1976 / She has been teaching the history and theory of photography at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne) since 2013 and conducts research on concepts of photography as an information technology at the University of Lausanne / She was a Fellow at the Max Planck Institute of the History of Science in Berlin in 2009–2011 and 2014 / She received the Research Award of the German Photographic Association (DGPh) in 2012 for her dissertation on the history of photo agencies / Her publications include Banking on Images. The Bettmann Archive and Corbis, Spector Books (2016) and “The Excess of the Photographic Archive” in Documenting the World. Photography, Film and the Scientific Record, University of Chicago Press (2016).


    Art Historians, Professors


  • Milena Carstens

    Senior Photo Editor at ZEITmagazin

    Milena Carstens Photo: © Milena Cartens

    Milena Carstens

    Senior Photo Editor at ZEITmagazin

    Milena CarstensPhoto: © Milena Cartens


    Milena Carstens / Studied photography at Fachhochschule Bielefeld / She has worked as a photo editor for numerous projects and periodicals / 2010–2014 Gallery manager for Robert Morat’s project space in Berlin / She has worked at ZEITmagazin as a photo editor since 2012 and as senior photo editor since 2014.


    Photographer, Newspaper, Gallery


  • Jörg Colberg

    Author / Editor / Professor at the Hartford Art School, Connecticut, USA

    Jörg Colberg

    Jörg Colberg

    Author / Editor / Professor at the Hartford Art School, Connecticut, USA

    Jörg Colberg


    Jörg Colberg is a writer, photographer, and educator. / He writes for his own website CPhMag.com and for publications such as Foam Magazine / Jörg Colberg teaches at Hartford Art School/University of Hartford / He lives in Western Massachusetts (USA).

    Photo: http://jmcolberg.com/about [09.08.2018/17:03]


    Photographer, Newspaper, Publishing house


  • Caroline von Courten

    Curator / Writer / Researcher

    Caroline von Courten

    Caroline von Courten

    Curator / Writer / Researcher

    Caroline von Courten


    Caroline von Courten / b. 1983 / She works around the (image) frame of photography. / With a background in Visual Culture Studies (BA) and Photographic Studies (MA) she is currently working on her dissertation on the theoretical connotations and implication of the photographic surface. / She has curated exhibitions on paper (Foam Magazine) and in space (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Goethe-Institut, and the Dutch Culture Centre Shanghai), organizes and moderates discussions, gives lectures internationally, writes essays, and judges diverse photographic work for competitions, graduations and portfolio reviews. / Caroline von Courten grew up in the Bavarian countryside and made her way via Utrecht, Berlin, and Melbourne to Amsterdam, where she now lives with her fiancé and two daughters.


    Curators, Art Historians, Newspaper, Gallery, Museum


  • Doris Gassert

    Curator at Fotomuseum Winterthur

    Doris Gassert

    Doris Gassert

    Curator at Fotomuseum Winterthur


    Doris Gassert / b. 1980 / She is Research Curator at Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, where she co-curates SITUATIONS and runs the blog Still Searching. / With SITUATIONS, a research lab and exhibition format that investigates current changes in photographic media and culture, she helps develop Fotomuseum’s program and understanding of post-photography. / She holds a PhD in media studies from the University of Basel, Switzerland, where she teaches media aesthetics, with a focus on the intermediality and epistemology of photography and the politics of representation.



  • Claus Gunti

    Art Historian / Professor at the University of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL) and at the University of Lausanne (UNIL)

    Claus Gunti

    Claus Gunti

    Art Historian / Professor at the University of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL) and at the University of Lausanne (UNIL)

    Claus Gunti


    Claus Gunti is a Swiss Art Historian / He teaches at the University of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL) and at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) / His research primarily focusses on the history of digital images in photography, recent developments in imaging technologies (drones, 3D renderings, automated photography) and photographic materiality. / His recent publications include “Rendered realities and fabricated visual spaces” (Augmented Photography, ECAL, 2017), “Light epistemologies” (FOAM Magazine, 2018) and Digital Image Systems. Photography and New Technologies at the Düsseldorf School (transcript Verlag, 2018).


    Art Historians, Professors

  • Dr. Matthias Harder

    Chief curator at the Helmut Newton Foundation, Berlin

    Dr. Matthias Harder

    Dr. Matthias Harder

    Chief curator at the Helmut Newton Foundation, Berlin

    Dr. Matthias Harder


    Matthias Harder / Born 1965 / Studied art history, classical archaeology and philosophy / M.A. from Universität Kiel / 2002 Awarded Ph.D. at FU Berlin / 1995 to 1999 Curator at nGbK / 1996 to 1999 Founder and head of an experimental exhibition space for installations (empty rooms) / 1999 to 2002 Guest curator at the photography museum in Stadtmuseum in Munich, curated Herbert List and Stefan Moses retrospectives / 2002 to 2004 Head of Kunstverein Glückstadt (PAK) / Since 2004 Head curator of Helmut Newton Stiftung, Berlin / Guest curator at Deichtorhallen, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Glyptothek, Fundación “la Caixa”, Tokyo Art Museum and elsewhere / Contributions to periodicals including PhotonewsAperture and Art in America and articles and essays in books and exhibition catalogs / Worked in Germany and abroad as a docent, juror, advisor and speaker / Matthias Harder lives and works in Berlin.


    Curators, Art Historians, Museum


  • Nathalie Herschdorfer

    Director of the Museum of Fine Arts Le Locle

    Nathalie Herschdorfer

    Nathalie Herschdorfer

    Director of the Museum of Fine Arts Le Locle

    Nathalie Herschdorfer

    Nathalie Herschdorfer worksa curator and art historian specializing in the history of photography. / Director of the Museum of Fine Arts Le Locle, Switzerland, where she has organized many shows, including Hiroshi Sugimoto, Vik Muniz, Todd Hido, Garry Winogrand and Henri Cartier-Bresson. / She has been working as a curator with the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography (FEP), specifically on projects dedicated to fashion photography and for several further institutions, most recently for the Photographers’ Gallery in London for the retrospective of Alex Prager. / Author of several publications, among them Body: Contemporary Photography of the Human Form (2018), Alex Prager: Silver Lake Drive (2018), The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Photography (2015), Coming into Fashion: A Century of Photography (2012), Afterwards: Contemporary Photography Confronting the Past, and New Swiss Architecture (2011)

    Photo: © François Wavre Rezo


    Curators, Art Historians, Museum


  • Nicolai Howalt


    Nicolai Howalt

    Nicolai Howalt


    Nicolai Howalt


    Nicolai Howalt  / Born 1970 / Graduated from Denmark’s renowned photographic art school, Fatamorgana, in 1992 / He is the recipient of honorary grants from The Hasselblad Foundation, The Danish Arts Foundation and Nominated for The Shpilman International Prize 2018. / The latest publications is By Looking up I see down - By looking down I see up (2017) and Element, 2016 and Light Break / Photography – Light Therapy (2015) / His photographic work spans across documentary, conceptual and installatory art. / He works and lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.




  • Simon Karlstetter

    Artist / Musician / Cultural Entrepreneur

    Simon Karlstetter

    Simon Karlstetter

    Artist / Musician / Cultural Entrepreneur

    Simon Karlstetter


    Simon Karlstetter is an artist, musician and cultural entrepreneur / He is using photography, drawing, manual printing-techniques, performance, music and sound in his works / His practice is circling around topics such as shifting perception of authorship, de- and recontextualization of images, appropriation, artistic approaches to photographic archives as well as remix and sampling as forms of art. /He is the founder and artistic director of the internationally renowned organization for contemporary photography “Der Greif”, co-founder and CSO at “Picter”, as well as a co-founder of the interdisciplinary artist-collective »STUDIO FURIO«, that unites dance, theatre, music and media art. / He is giving lectures and talks about his work at events around the world, as well as workshops at internationally renowned universities and institutions and has received various awards and prices.


    Curators, Artist, Newspaper


  • Kim Knoppers

    Curator Foam – Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam

    Kim Knoppers

    Kim Knoppers

    Curator Foam – Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam

    Kim Knoppers


    Kim Knoppers / b. 1976 / She is an art historian (University of Amsterdam), and curator at Foam / Since 2011, she has worked on solo exhibitions, including those by Melanie Bonajo, Broomberg & Chanarin, JH Engström, Anne de Vries and Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs and group exhibitions, most recently Collectivism. Collectives and Their Quest for Value (2016) and Back to the Future. The 19th Century in the 21st Century (2018) / She has contributed to various magazines including Foam Magazine, Unseen and Aperture and has written catalogue texts for Jaya Pelupessy and Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques, amongst others. She is also a lecturer on the MA Photography at ECAL in Lausanne where she initiated and developed the course Do Not Disturb – Curating in Progress.


    Curators, Art Historians, Professors, Museum


  • Dr. Christina Leber

    Director of the DZ BANK art collection, Frankfurt

    Dr. Christina Leber

    Dr. Christina Leber

    Director of the DZ BANK art collection, Frankfurt

    Dr. Christina Leber


    Christina Leber / Born 1966 / Studied Catholic theology and education at various universities in Germany and abroad, completing her studies with a PhD / 1992 to 1999 worked freelance in various corporate art collections including at Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Tetra Pak and DG BANK / 1999 to 2001 director of the 2nd Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art / 2003 to 2011 curator of the DZ BANK art collection / 2008 published a book on art collections in German corporations between the years 1965 and 2000 / Seit 2011 director of the DZ BANK art collection / Christina Leber lives and works in Frankfurt. 


    Festival makers, Gallery, Museum


  • Douglas Mandry

    Photographer / Artist

    Douglas Mandry

    Douglas Mandry

    Photographer / Artist

    Douglas Mandry


    Douglas Mandry / Born 1989/ He is a Swiss photographer and artist based in Zürich / Graduated from ECAL University of Arts and Design in 2013 / His work questions our relationship to photography and representation in our post-internet era through a process-based approach, referring to various processes and photographic languages. / His work has been shown throughout Europe, among others at the Plat(t)form 15 of the Fotomuseum Winterthur, nominated twice for the Paul Huf Award, selected to the Swiss Design Awards, and exhibited in Corso Como, Azzedine Alaïa Gallery, and most lately featured in the Foam magazine #49, “Back to the Future”.


    Artist, Photographer


  • Heike Catherina Mertens

    Programme director Hatje Cantz

    Heike Catherina Mertens Photo: © Heike Mertens

    Heike Catherina Mertens

    Programme director Hatje Cantz

    Heike Catherina MertensPhoto: © Heike Mertens


    Heike Catherina Mertens is Program director at Hatje Cantz Publisher, Berlin since March 2018  / She was managing director and curator at the Schering Stiftung from 2007 to February 2018. / Studied art history, philosophy and sociology and, after academic work in the field of contemporary art, she worked as a curator for public art from 2000 until 2007 / In 2001, she founded stadtkunstprojekte, a Berlin-based association to promote urban public art / Alongside her work at Hatje Cantz, she regularly teaches at the Berlin University of the Arts as part of the further education program Curating and publishes books on contemporary art. / Member of the University Council (Hochschulrat) of the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg, and of the board of trustees for the awarding of the KAIROS Prize, presented by the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.


    Professors, Newspaper, Publishing house


  • Robert Morat

    Galerist at Robert Morat Galerie in Berlin

    Robert Morat Photo: © Thekla Ehling

    Robert Morat

    Galerist at Robert Morat Galerie in Berlin

    Robert MoratPhoto: © Thekla Ehling


    Robert Morat / Born 1971 / Studied German and art history at Universität Hamburg /  Traineeship at Süddeutschen Zeitung, Munich / Editorial assistant at Gruner + Jahr GmbH, Hamburg / Went on to work as a freelance print and TV journalist for various editorial teams / 2004 Opened Robert Morat Galerie für Fotografie in Hamburg, which focused on emerging contemporary photographers from the start, including Christian Patterson, Ron Jude, Ute + Werner Mahler, Peter Puklus, Mårten Lange, and Andrea Grützner / Since 2008 Member of Association of International Photography Art Dealers (AIPAD) / 2010–2015 Member of AIPAD board, New York / 2010 Opened new project space in Berlin / 2015 Moved gallery to Berlin.


    Curators, Gallery, Art Buying


  • Katia Reich

    Freelance curator, Berlin

    Katia Reich

    Katia Reich

    Freelance curator, Berlin

    Katia Reich


    Katia Reich / Born 1969 / 1989 to 1992 assistant manager in the art business / 1999 Master’s in art history, classical archaeology and modern history / 1999 to 2005 curator with the working group for photography at the Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (nGbK) / 2000 to 2004 director of the gallery Wohnmaschine, Berlin / 2003 and 2005 project manager for the German entries to the Venice Biennale / 2005 to 2012 project manager of the Berlin Biennale at KW Berlin, responsible for more than 300 projects / In 2007 published Die deutschen Beiträge zur Biennale Venedig 1895–2007 together with Ursula Zeller (DuMont Verlag) / 2009 and 2010 co-curated Höhepunkte der Kölner KunstFilmBiennale in Berlin / 2012 appointed curator of the 5th European Month of Photography / Published catalogue of 5th European Month of Photography (Kerber Verlag) / Katia Reich lives and works in Berlin.


    Curators, Art Historians, Gallery

  • Franiziska Schmidt

    Researcher / Curator / Writer / Lecturer / Specialist / Assessor / Manager

    Franiziska Schmidt

    Franiziska Schmidt

    Researcher / Curator / Writer / Lecturer / Specialist / Assessor / Manager

    Franiziska Schmidt


    Franziska Schmidt / Studied art history and German at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle/Wittenberg / Worked as a researcher, curator, writer, lecturer, specialist, assessor, and manager / Regularly took part in international juries and symposia / Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie e.V. / 1994–2000 Freelance member and curator at the photography collection of Kunstmuseums Moritzburg, Halle/Saale / 2000–2001 Received “Museum Curator for Photography” scholarship from Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung / 2005–2007 Artistic director and managing director of Museum für Photographie, Braunschweig / 2002–2005 Director of Galerie Berinson, Berlin / 2007–2017 Head and expert for Grisebach Auctions’ photography division, Berlin.


    Curators, Professors, Museum

  • Linn Schröder


    Linn Schröder

    Linn Schröder


    Linn Schröder


    Linn Schöder / Born 1977 / Studied photography at Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Hamburg and visual communication at Hochschule für bildendende Künste Hamburg / Since 2004 Member of Ostkreuz – Agentur der Fotografen / Since 2016 Professor of photography at Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Hamburg / Her series “Family Photos Too, I Think” was shown in Paris, Marseille, Munich and Rome as part of the “25 Years Ostkreuz” exhibition. / She received numerous prizes, including the ZEITmagazin photo prize in 2013 for her “Self-Portrait with Twins and a Breast”. Linn Schröder lives and works in Berlin.


    Photographer, Professors


  • Frank Schumacher

    Head of Department of Photography at Lette Verein Berlin

    Frank Schumacher

    Frank Schumacher

    Head of Department of Photography at Lette Verein Berlin

    Frank Schumacher


    Frank Schumacher / b. 1965 / He studied visual communication at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, graduating with a Diplom in photography and film / 1995—2005 Büro für Fotografie und Gestaltung Lingnau, Schumacher in Cologne and Hamburg / He has written numerous editorials for publications including Brand Eins, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Zeit, Purple Magazine, Magazin der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung, and exhibitions including Chic Clicks – Creativity and Commerce in Contemporary Fashion at ICA Boston, Fotomuseum Winterthur, NRW Forum Düsseldorf / He taught at the Offenbach University of Art and Design and has headed the Department of Photography at Lette Verein Berlin since 2008 / Appointed to the German Photographic Association (DGPh) in 2010.


    Curators, Photographer, Professors, Newspaper


  • Heidi Specker


    Heidi Specker Photo: © Antonia Neubacher

    Heidi Specker


    Heidi SpeckerPhoto: © Antonia Neubacher


    Heidi Specker / Born 1962 / Studied photography and film design at FH Bielefeld. / She was a master student at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig and headed the photography class there since 2011. / Her works were most recently shown in Kunstmuseum Bonn, Camera Austria in Graz, Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, Berlinische Galerie in Berlin, and elsewhere. / Numerous prizes and awards including Villa Massimo, Rome (2010), German Photobook Prize for IM GARTEN/CONCRETE (2005), ars viva Medienkunst 1997–98, European Photography Award 1996.


    Photographer, Professors


  • Stephanie von Spreter

    Director of Fotogalleriet, Oslo / Curator / Writer

    Stephanie von Spreter

    Stephanie von Spreter

    Director of Fotogalleriet, Oslo / Curator / Writer

    Stephanie von Spreter


    Stephanie von Spreter  / Born 1977 / She is a freelance curator and writer based in Oslo / 2011—2018 director of Fotogalleriet, Oslo / She has curated a large number of exhibitions and seminars with a focus on contemporary camera-based art, worked with both Nordic and international artists, including Øystein Aasan, Terje Abusdal, Tania Bruguera, Felix Gmelin, Ane Hjort Guttu, Thomas Hirschhorn, Timo Kelaranta, Jacob Kirkegaard, Shirana Shahbazi, Alec Soth and Mette Tronvoll amongst others. / Von Spreter is also the co-founder and owner of the first exhibition guide for contemporary art in Oslo, U.F.O. (ufoguide.no) / Before moving to Norway, von Spreter worked for various large exhibitions and projects, including the 3rd, 4th and 5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, the 50. Biennale di Venezia and Documenta11.


    Curators, Festival makers, Gallery

  • Dr. Christiane Stahl

    Director of Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, Berlin

    Dr. Christiane Stahl Photo: © Loredana Nemes

    Dr. Christiane Stahl

    Director of Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, Berlin

    Dr. Christiane StahlPhoto: © Loredana Nemes


    Dr. Christiane Stahl / Born1963 / Studied art history, theater and film studies at École du Louvre Paris and Freie Universität Berlin / Since 2002 Head of Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung / Talks, publications, jury member and lecturer with a focus on modern and contemporary photography.



    Art Historians, Professors, Gallery, Museum


  • Anna Tellgren

    Curator Moderna Museet Stockholm

    Anna Tellgren

    Anna Tellgren

    Curator Moderna Museet Stockholm

    Anna Tellgren


    Anna Tellgren / Born 1964 / PhD / Curator of Photography at Moderna Museet in Stockholm since 2004 / She has curated numerous exhibitions including Arbus, Model, Strömholm (2005), Lars Tunbjörk. Winter/Home (2007), Moderna Museet Now: Inta Ruka (2008) and her exhibition Francesca Woodman. On Being an Angel (2015) is touring internationally / In 2011 she was responsible for the project Another Story. Photography from the Moderna Museet Collection, a major presentation of photography in the entire museum / Previously, she has worked as researcher and lecturer at the Department of Art History at Stockholm University / Tellgren was the editor of The History Book. On Moderna Museet 1958–2008 (2008) and is associate editor of Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History.


    Curators, Newspaper, Museum


  • Jan Wenzel


    Jan Wenzel

    Jan Wenzel

  • Ralf Zimmermann

    Photo Editor Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin

    Ralf Zimmermann Photo: © Anna Stylianakis

    Ralf Zimmermann

    Photo Editor Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin

    Ralf ZimmermannPhoto: © Anna Stylianakis


    Ralf Zimmermann / Born 1966 / Since 2007 Photo editor at Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin / Graduated from Bayerische Staatslehranstalt für Photographie in Munich / Worked for Qvest Magazin, Leica Fotografie International, LeadAwards and Arte Magazin / Ralf Zimmermann lives and works in Munich.


    Newspaper, Publishing house