Accident & Process

Derek Kreckler

Kreckler’s works span performance, film, photography, installation, and video. He has regularly created tough, insistent imagery that has been at the critical edge of Australian art history and which has provided comment on our country’s past, present, and future. The art of Derek Kreckler is often described as “unsettling.” Some have even referred to it as “dangerous.” Whether relishing the risk of experimentation and chance, or purposefully challenging our perceptions of country, identity, and self, Kreckler’s works flirt with an uncertainty that prickle the neck. At the same time, they open our eyes to the magic of how images are made, the murkiness of nationhood and its perpetuation, and the wonder of how powerful the landscape can be. His works have much to share about art history, social relations, popular culture, and the environment. Kreckler offers conceptual and expressive forms that are commanding, yet spacious.
(Hannah Mathews)

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