All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream

Ute Lindner

For Kronenboden, whose program combines photography and theater, Ute Lindner has developed a three-dimensional photo installation with a title borrowed from a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. The work consists of large-scale cyanotypes of overlapping curtains and wall works that recreate the exhibition location as a labyrinthine work of nesting spaces.

One key aspect in Ute Lindner’s artistic work is the theme of mirroring, the reflection of spaces and figures, the interstice between image and likeness. Because Ute Lindner organizes her photomontages in a dynamic interplay, they seem to become the polyphonic sounds of a musical composition. Ute Lindner stages a space as it might reveal itself behind the mirror in order to lead the viewer over a threshold into the borderline territories between the present, the past, and what is yet to come.

See also: Stiftung Starke and Projektraum | PhotoWerkBerlin.


27.Oct 6:00 pm

Artist talk

with Ute Lindner


Kronenboden Schwedenstraße 16 13357 Berlin