Children in War

The Visual Art Project

Nina Grushetska, Sergyi Kireev, Denis Kopylov, Galyna Lavrinets, Lydmyla Mytsyk, Olena Prokopenko, Pavel Wolberg

The visual art project “Children in War” presents striking portraits of children who live near the front-line in the Ukraine and have first-hand experience with the war. Childish smiles, dreams, and suffering are reflected in the photos. Every child has his or her own dramatic story. The photos depict parts of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions hardest hit by the fighting. The authors of the photos are Ukrainian and international photographers; the project is run by the Institute of Public Diplomacy (Ukraine). During 2016–18, the project was exhibited in the Ukraine, Moldova, Jordan, Cyprus, Israel, Greece, Lithuania (Seimas), Belgium (NATO), Italy, Vatican City, Canada, and the USA. For more information, please visit:


18.Oct 8:00 pm

The Distant Barking of dogs

Film screening

Ten-year-old Oleg lives in the eastern part of Ukraine — a warzone that often echoes with anti-aircraft fire and missile strikes. Sometimes these sounds are in the distance, while other times they’re frighteningly close. While many have already left this dangerous area, Oleg remains with his grandmother, who has taken care of him since the death of his mother. They have nowhere else to go. While waiting for the war to end, Oleg enjoys hanging out with his younger cousin Yarik and the older boy Kostia. Together they go on adventures, talk about what makes a real man, test each other’s boundaries — but sometimes they go too far. This observational film follows a year in the life of Oleg, and emphasises the warm bond he has with his grandmother. By sticking close to Oleg, The Distant Barking of Dogs shows the effect of conflict on children.


Kino "Brotfabrik" Caligariplatz 1 13086 Berlin

Additional Information

(90 Min, OmeU)
Original language: Ukrainian, Russian

Admission 5€