
Thibaut Duchenne

The Galerie Pugliese Levi presents photographs by the agriculturalist and photographer Thibaut Duchenne, whose direct manner of looking is situated far from established traditions and techniques and shows a rural world that, while in the process of disappearing, lives on in various eloquent forms.

“My camera accompanies me as I work the farm, and my eyes continually pass over everything surrounding them.

Finding a new way of looking at my environment doesn’t only mean persisting where others evidently see nothing; it’s also a personal form of escape, an obsessive attempt to tame nature, it and me, eye to eye, alone.

Everything around me might appear random, meaningless, almost banal—but the opposite is true.”

Thibaut Duchenne was born in 1966 in Picardy, France. Following his studies in agriculture, he took over the family farm. He began photographing later—Duchenne is an autodidact. His works were shown to a wider art public for the first time in 2012, at the 57th Salon de Montrouge.

In 2017, the Galerie Pugliese Levi exhibited his works for the first time in Germany.