
Ingo Kuzia, Sabine von Breunig

Two artists, two different positions on the theme of transience and transformation in historically important locations. The works of Sabine von Breunig and Ingo Kuzia go beyond the purely documentary and a surface aesthetic of decay. Between 2008 and 2012, Sabine von Breunig took photographs of the dilapidated remains of twentieth-century militarism in the restricted area of Zossen/Wünsdorf, south of Berlin. Her images contain superimpositions of historic layers; they show the past, yet depict the very real present: a haunting essay on memory and forgetting.

In his work on the former training airfield of the German air force in Schönwalde/Glien, Ingo Kuzia investigates the new that arises within a location’s decay: vanitas in the process of change. His photographs and montages show the derelict place of the “airfield” in transformation: German and Soviet armies, graffiti and paintball artists, and nature itself change the way it’s used and help it resist its impermanence.


28.Oct 4:00 pm

Guided tour & Artist talk

Guided tour with moderation with Prof. Matthias Leupold. Afterwards Artist talk with Sabine von Breunig and Ingo Kuzia.

Two different positions on the theme of transience and transition in places of historical importance: Sabine von Breunig photographed the decayed remnants of twentieth-century militarism in the prohibited zone of Zossen/Wünsdorf. Together, her images comprise an evocative essay on memory and forgetting. In his work, Ingo Kuzia focuses on the former training airport of the German Luftwaffe in Schönwalde/Glien as the new rises up out of the ruins. The artists offer insight into the historical and thematic foundations of their respective works.


Galerie Historischer Keller Carl-Schurz-Straße 49 13597 Berlin