Events – Saturday 13.10.
1:00 pm
Advanced Wet Plate Photography
Wet Plate WorkshopA workshop where you can learn the beautiful and unique processes of Wet-Plate Collodion Negatives and Salted Paper Printing.
PhotoWerkBerlin, Sanderstraße 22, 12047 Berlin, www.PhotoWerkBerlin.com/Stree…
1:00 pm
Advanced Wet Plate Photography
Wet Plate WorkshopA workshop where you can learn the beautiful and unique processes of Wet-Plate Collodion Negatives and Salted Paper Printing.
PhotoWerkBerlin Sanderstraße 22 12047 Berlin www.PhotoWerkBerlin.com/Stree…
Registration required
Price 450€
6:00 pm
The Concept of Beauty
Fashion Photography WorkshopThis workshop introduces into the world of fashion photography. It all begins with the ideas, motivation and development for a fashion shooting. Tobias Wirth will continue to lead in the second part through a professional fashion photo shoot. There will ...
PhotoWerkBerlin, Sanderstraße 22, 12047 Berlin, www.PhotoWerkBerlin.com/Stree…
6:00 pm
The Concept of Beauty
Fashion Photography WorkshopThis workshop introduces into the world of fashion photography. It all begins with the ideas, motivation and development for a fashion shooting. Tobias Wirth will continue to lead in the second part through a professional fashion photo shoot. There will be the opportunity to work with a model and a hair & make-up stylist as well in order to bring the participants ideas to realization.
PhotoWerkBerlin Sanderstraße 22 12047 Berlin www.PhotoWerkBerlin.com/Stree…
Registration required
Price 425€
10:00 am
Niko Schmid-Burgk „Portraitfotografie“. Von der konzeptionellen Bildidee zum fertigen Porträt
WorkshopAm ersten Tag des Workshops lernen die Teilnehmer_innen zunächst den Fotografen Niko Schmid-Burgk kennen, der von seinem beruflichen Werdegang erzählt und seine Arbeiten im Rahmen redaktioneller und werblicher Aufträge unter Einbeziehung der einzelnen Entstehungsgeschichten und der damit ...
Capitis Studios Kronenstraße 71 10117 Berlin www.facebook.com/events/47021…
10:00 am
Niko Schmid-Burgk „Portraitfotografie“. Von der konzeptionellen Bildidee zum fertigen Porträt
WorkshopAm ersten Tag des Workshops lernen die Teilnehmer_innen zunächst den Fotografen Niko Schmid-Burgk kennen, der von seinem beruflichen Werdegang erzählt und seine Arbeiten im Rahmen redaktioneller und werblicher Aufträge unter Einbeziehung der einzelnen Entstehungsgeschichten und der damit verbundenen technischen Umsetzung der freien, bzw. auch vorgegebenen Bildideen präsen- tiert.
Mittels einer Auswahl der einge- reichten Bewerber-Fotografien folgt die Vorstellung aller Workshop-Teilnehmer_innen, ihrer Beziehung zur Fotografie und den Erwartungen an den Workshop. Es werden Zweiergruppen gebildet, die im Studio - sich gegenseitig als Assistent_in/Fotograf_in unter- stützend - an der Umsetzung von Portraitaufnahmen arbeiten.
Dabei werden ihnen u.a. Kimberly Budinsky - Miss Austria 2016 Modell stehen.
Im Anschluss findet eine Führung durch die Studios statt, die die Charakteristiken von artifiziellen
Fotolampen und den dazugehörigen Lichtformern vermittelt.
Der Tag wird mit Studiofotografie oder - je nach Wunsch der Teilnehmer_innen - mit der Umsetzung von Portraitideen und ournalistischen Portraits auf Location, in individueller Arbeit beendet.
Der zweite Tag des Workshops startet mit weiteren Fotografier- arbeiten im Studio. Alle geschos- senen Bilder werden gesichtet und die besten Motive unter Mithilfe und Beratung des Dozenten ausgewählt. Es folgt die Ausarbeitung und Digital Retouch des Motivs sowie die Vorbereitung des Bildes zur medialen Präsentation. Jede_r Teilnehmer_in stellt seine Arbeit vor, die von der Gruppe letztlich diskutiert wird.
Im Anschluss an den Workshop gibt es noch die Möglichkeit zum informellen Austausch und die Einladung, den Tag gemeinsam in der Lounge bei einem Getränk ausklingen zu lassen.
// Dozent
Niko Schmid-Burgk versteht sich als „Dokumentarist von Ge- sichtern“. Seinen Bildern kann man sich kaum entziehen, da er die portraitierten Personen auf eine unmittelbare und gleichzeitig respektvolle Art in Szene setzt. Er zeigt die Menschen nicht einfach, sondern gewährt mit seiner Kamera und seinem besonderen Gespür für Licht und Raum einen Einblick in deren Persönlichkeit.
Nach Beendigung seiner Studienzeit an der „Bayerischen Staatslehr- anstalt für Photographie“ in München, arbeitete er zwei Jahre als Modeassistent, bevor er sich während eines beruflichen Aufenthalts in Australien entschied dort zu bleiben, um als selb- ständiger Fotograf seine berufliche Laufbahn zu beginnen. Innerhalb des folgenden dreijährigen Aufenthalts in Sydney, entwickelte sich eine regelmäßige Zusammenarbeit mit der australischen VOGUE, in deren Verlauf zahlreiche Portraits diverser „Celebrities“ entstanden. 1991 kehrte er nach Deutschland zurück und eröffnete in München
sein eigenes Fotostudio.
Seitdem sind zahlreiche Beiträge für bedeutende Magazine wie VOGUE, Vanity Fair, ICON oder das SZ Magazin entstanden. Neben dieser redaktionellen Arbeit entstehen auch immer wieder große nationale und internationale Kampagnen, die er für bekannte Werbeagenturen im In- und Ausland realisiert. Niko Schmid-Burgk fotografiert dabei nicht nur wie zuletzt Hugh Jackman für die laufende MONTBLANC Kampagne, sondern dokumentierte gleicher- maßen für die Deutsche Welt- hungerhilfe deren Projekte und damit verbundene Schicksale der Menschen in diversen Spannungs- gebieten der Welt. Diese Viel- seitigkeit und die unverkennbare Handschrift, die in all seinen Bildern immer wieder zu erkennen ist, zeichnen das fotografische Arbeiten von Niko Schmid-Burgk aus.
Capitis Studios Kronenstraße 71 10117 Berlin www.facebook.com/events/47021…
Additional Information
Der Kurs ist auf max. 10 Teilnehmer begrenzt. Kudauer: 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mitzubringen sind Digitale Kamera + Laptop + Bildbearbeitungssoftware
Ansprechpartner: Eliza Grabarek eliza@capitis-studios.de
390,00 € + 19% MwSt. (Studententarif)
490,00 € + 19% MwSt. (Normaltarif)
Die Bezahlung kann ausschließlich per erteilter Einzugsermächtigung erfolgen. Unterkunft und Vollverpflegung exklusive.
10:00 am
Analog portait photography, large format & 35mm
Workshop & Guided tourThe visitors get an insight into the photo lab and the process of analogue photography. We show the whole process, from shooting the photo to developing to the finished print. Come on, it will be fun!
STATTLAB, Drontheimerstraße 34, 13359 Berlin, www.stattlab.net
10:00 am
Analog portait photography, large format & 35mm
Workshop & Guided tourThe visitors get an insight into the photo lab and the process of analogue photography. We show the whole process, from shooting the photo to developing to the finished print. Come on, it will be fun!
10:00 am
Architectural and industrial photography in digital medium format
WorkshopOn the first day of this two-day workshop, the ten participants will work out their own personal perspectives of the Skulpturengießerei Knaak foundry building in Oberschöneweide and how it is used. The focus here is on the formal possibilities available ...
p: photography unlimited e.V., Wilhelminenhofstr. 68, Haus 15, 12459 Berlin, pberlin.net
10:00 am
Architectural and industrial photography in digital medium format
WorkshopOn the first day of this two-day workshop, the ten participants will work out their own personal perspectives of the Skulpturengießerei Knaak foundry building in Oberschöneweide and how it is used. The focus here is on the formal possibilities available using the cameras of the manufacturer ALPA and digital backs from PhaseOne. On the second day, participants learn the special features of PhaseOne CaptureOne (i.e. lens color cast correction and distortion correction) and how to print the selected photos on large-format printers. The course fee includes two midday meals and three fine art prints (70 x 100 cm).
p: photography unlimited e.V. Wilhelminenhofstr. 68, Haus 15 12459 Berlin pberlin.net
Additional Information
Der Workshop richtet sich an professionell arbeitende Fotograf*innen.
Registration required
Die Kursgebühr beinhaltet zwei Mitagessen und drei Fine-Art-Prints (70 x 100 cm).
10:00 am
Portfolio Review
The Portfolio Review gives photographers from Berlin the opportunity to present their work to experts from various fields of photography. In intensive 20-minute one-to-one discussions, they can make new professional contacts with picture editors, exhibition institutions and galleries and receive ...
f3 – freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin www.fhochdrei.org
10:00 am
Portfolio Review
The Portfolio Review gives photographers from Berlin the opportunity to present their work to experts from various fields of photography. In intensive 20-minute one-to-one discussions, they can make new professional contacts with picture editors, exhibition institutions and galleries and receive valuable feedback. The Portfolio Walk, to which the general public is invited to view the work of the participating photographers, concludes the Portfolio Review.
The programme is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the City of Berlin. Therefore, only photographers from Berlin can participate.
f³ – freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin www.fhochdrei.org
Additional Information
Limited number of participants
Registration required
Price 50€
11:00 am
Indirect Sulphide-Toning
Workshop & Guided tourIndirect sulphide toning is a historical photographic treatment to enhance the durability of the photographic print. It is also a method of changing the color of black-and-white photographs. Participants learn all neccessary steps concerning this toning. They can bring they ...
BA AP Björn Albert, Chausseestraße 36, 10115 Berlin, www.ba-ap.com
11:00 am
Indirect Sulphide-Toning
Workshop & Guided tourIndirect sulphide toning is a historical photographic treatment to enhance the durability of the photographic print. It is also a method of changing the color of black-and-white photographs. Participants learn all neccessary steps concerning this toning. They can bring they own prints for toning (max. 24x30cm).
BA AP Björn Albert Chausseestraße 36 10115 Berlin www.ba-ap.com
Registration required
€ 8
11:00 am
Japan - Bütten - Seide… material and fine art printing
WorkshopTaking two artists as our example—Markus Draper and Thomas Draschan—we will show various presentation forms of the same motif, printed on different materials. The central question is how the motif’s statement becomes influenced by the way it ...
termindruck® digital fine art printing, Schwedter Straße 22, 10119 Berlin, www.termindruck.com
11:00 am
Japan - Bütten - Seide… material and fine art printing
WorkshopTaking two artists as our example—Markus Draper and Thomas Draschan—we will show various presentation forms of the same motif, printed on different materials. The central question is how the motif’s statement becomes influenced by the way it’s printed and presented. We print on various materials such as baryte paper, Japan paper, laid cardboard, transparent film, and natural silk.
termindruck® digital fine art printing Schwedter Straße 22 10119 Berlin www.termindruck.com
Registration required
Free admission
11:00 am
The Analaog B/W-Photo Lab
Guided tour & LectureMy ANALOGUE photolab can be visited within a guided tour. I will show some enlargers and hereby will explicate on the process of analogue printing. You can also take part in a lecture about analogue bw photography (exposure, development, enlargment).
Analog Photographie Jochen Rohner, Ackerstraße 6-7, 10115 Berlin, www.jochen-rohner.de
11:00 am
The Analaog B/W-Photo Lab
Guided tour & LectureMy ANALOGUE photolab can be visited within a guided tour. I will show some enlargers and hereby will explicate on the process of analogue printing. You can also take part in a lecture about analogue bw photography (exposure, development, enlargment).
Analog Photographie Jochen Rohner Ackerstraße 6-7 10115 Berlin www.jochen-rohner.de
Additional Information
in German & English
Registration required
Eintritt frei
2:00 pm
Japan - Bütten - Seide… material and fine art printing
WorkshopTaking two artists as our example—Markus Draper and Thomas Draschan—we will show various presentation forms of the same motif, printed on different materials. The central question is how the motif’s statement becomes influenced by the way it ...
termindruck® digital fine art printing, Schwedter Straße 22, 10119 Berlin, www.termindruck.com
2:00 pm
Japan - Bütten - Seide… material and fine art printing
WorkshopTaking two artists as our example—Markus Draper and Thomas Draschan—we will show various presentation forms of the same motif, printed on different materials. The central question is how the motif’s statement becomes influenced by the way it’s printed and presented. We print on various materials such as baryte paper, Japan paper, laid cardboard, transparent film, and natural silk.
termindruck® digital fine art printing Schwedter Straße 22 10119 Berlin www.termindruck.com
Registration required
Eintritt frei
Free admission
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Guided tourWe open the doors of our three workshops and give an insight into the work of a FineArt Laboratory. You get the opportunity to inform yourself about the technology and the materials.
dmage - FineArtPrint Manufaktur, Legiendamm 14, 10179 Berlin,
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Guided tourWe open the doors of our three workshops and give an insight into the work of a FineArt Laboratory. You get the opportunity to inform yourself about the technology and the materials.
dmage - FineArtPrint Manufaktur Legiendamm 14 10179 Berlin
Free admission
2:00 pm
Gerhard Kassner: Star portraits at the Berlinale
EMOP Berlin presentsGerhard Kassner Fotografie, Bergmannstraße 91, 10961 Berlin, www.emop-berlin.eu/de/program…
2:00 pm
Gerhard Kassner: Star portraits at the Berlinale
EMOP Berlin presents Organized by EMOP BerlinAddress
Gerhard Kassner Fotografie Bergmannstraße 91 10961 Berlin www.emop-berlin.eu/de/program…
Additional Information
Limited number of participants.
Please note that photographs, videos, and sound recordings will be made throughout the event for possible publication. With your attendance you allow the unlimited use of the recordings.
Registration required
Please include in your mail the desired event and your first and last names.
Free admission
2:00 pm
LIGHTER THAN ORANGE – The Legacy of Dioxin in Vietnam
FilmscreeningThe documentary reveals a political failure through individual biographies. It depicts the fates of a few of the 3 million Vietnamese veterans who have been victims of Agent Orange. Due to exposure to dioxin-based herbicide Agent Orange used during the ...
University of Applied Sciences Europe Dessauer Straße 3-5 10963 Berlin www.lighterthanorange.com
2:00 pm
LIGHTER THAN ORANGE – The Legacy of Dioxin in Vietnam
FilmscreeningThe documentary reveals a political failure through individual biographies. It depicts the fates of a few of the 3 million Vietnamese veterans who have been victims of Agent Orange. Due to exposure to dioxin-based herbicide Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War, veterans brought home a change in their DNA. This change having been passed down through the generations, their children are still suffering from incurable illnesses and debilitating deformity today.
University of Applied Sciences Europe Dessauer Straße 3-5 10963 Berlin www.lighterthanorange.com
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Open Photo Lab
Guided tour & Guided touralso at Neue Schule für Fotografie (same address) the exhibition Analog. Curated by Eva Maria Ocherbauer
Ulrich Hagel Labor, Brunnenstraße 188-190, 10119 Berlin, www.ulrich-hagel-labor.de
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Open Photo Lab
Guided tour & Guided touralso at Neue Schule für Fotografie (same address) the exhibition Analog. Curated by Eva Maria Ocherbauer
Ulrich Hagel Labor Brunnenstraße 188-190 10119 Berlin www.ulrich-hagel-labor.de
Admission free
2:00 pm
Open Photo Studio
Guided tourThe Photo studio from Sabine Alex in located in the creative space BLO-studios. Its equiped with a darkroom for black-and white and color process, which is used for workshops, renting and regular open darkroom evenings. All visitors are warmly welcome ...
Mobile Dunkelkammer - Fotoatelier Sabine Alex c/o BLO-Ateliers, Kaskelstraße 55, 10317 Berlin, www.mobile-dunkelkammer.com
2:00 pm
Open Photo Studio
Guided tourThe Photo studio from Sabine Alex in located in the creative space BLO-studios. Its equiped with a darkroom for black-and white and color process, which is used for workshops, renting and regular open darkroom evenings. All visitors are warmly welcome, who are looking for a place to develop in the darkroom and want to inform.
Mobile Dunkelkammer - Fotoatelier Sabine Alex c/o BLO-Ateliers Kaskelstraße 55 10317 Berlin www.mobile-dunkelkammer.com
Free admission
3:00 pm
Mini-Fotomarathon Berlin
Photo ContestYou are challenged to shoot 6 photos in 4 hours, exploring the city and interpreting topics to be revealed on the day. A group slideshow with prizes for the "People´s Choice Award" closes the event.
Verein für Ereignisse - Fotomarathon Berlin Bernauer Straße 119 13355 Berlin www.berliner-mauer-gedenkstae…
3:00 pm
Mini-Fotomarathon Berlin
Photo ContestYou are challenged to shoot 6 photos in 4 hours, exploring the city and interpreting topics to be revealed on the day. A group slideshow with prizes for the "People´s Choice Award" closes the event.
Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer Bernauer Straße 119 13355 Berlin www.berliner-mauer-gedenkstae…
Additional Information
Meeting point: visitor center
Registration required
Admission 10€
4:00 pm
Black Mother
DOKUARTS 11by Khalik Allah
USA/Jamaica, 2018, 75’, DCP, OmeU, German Premiere
Street photographer Khalik Allah has fascinated with haunting photo stories of African-Americans at the fringes of society. The same hallucinatory intensity characterizes his films; FIELD NIGGAS caused a sensation ...
Zeughauskino Berlin, Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin, www.doku-arts.de
4:00 pm
Black Mother
DOKUARTS 11by Khalik Allah
USA/Jamaica, 2018, 75’, DCP, OmeU, German Premiere
Street photographer Khalik Allah has fascinated with haunting photo stories of African-Americans at the fringes of society. The same hallucinatory intensity characterizes his films; FIELD NIGGAS caused a sensation. Now, with BLACK MOTHER, Khalik turns to his Jamaican roots.
Zeughauskino Berlin Unter den Linden 2 10117 Berlin www.doku-arts.de
Admission 5 €
Festival pass 30 €
Reservations Mon—Fri 10—18 h: 030 20 30 44 21
zeughauskino@dhm.de Box office (one hour before the first screening): 030 20 30 47 70
5:30 pm
Raghu Rai - An Unframed Portrait
DOKUARTS 11by Avani Rai
Indien, Finnland, Norway 2017, 55’, DCP, OmeU, Berlin Premiere
Young filmmaker Avani Rai portrays her father, the famous Magnum photographer Raghu Rai who once was mentored by Cartier-Bresson. While documenting the turbulent history of his home country ...
Zeughauskino Berlin, Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin, www.doku-arts.de
5:30 pm
Raghu Rai - An Unframed Portrait
DOKUARTS 11by Avani Rai
Indien, Finnland, Norway 2017, 55’, DCP, OmeU, Berlin Premiere
Young filmmaker Avani Rai portrays her father, the famous Magnum photographer Raghu Rai who once was mentored by Cartier-Bresson. While documenting the turbulent history of his home country, Rai’s pictures have entered the collective memory far beyond India.
Zeughauskino Berlin Unter den Linden 2 10117 Berlin www.doku-arts.de
Admission 5 €
Festival pass 30 €
Reservations Mon—Fri 10—18 h: 030 20 30 44 21
zeughauskino@dhm.de Box office (one hour before the first screening): 030 20 30 47 70
7:00 pm
Artist talk
Artist talk and Guided tour through the exhibition. With Hosam Katan.
BENHADJ & DJILALI Galerie Torstraße 170 10115 Berlin www.benhadjdjilali.de
7:00 pm
Artist talk
Artist talk and Guided tour through the exhibition. With Hosam Katan.
BENHADJ & DJILALI Galerie Torstraße 170 10115 Berlin www.benhadjdjilali.de
Registration required
7:00 pm
Garry Winogrand - Everything is Photographable
DOKUARTS 11by Sasha Waters Freyer
USA, 2018, 90’, DCP, OF, German Premiere
In the presence of Sasha Waters Freyer
With snapshot-like pictures Garry Winogrand created an encyclopaedic portrait of 20th century America. Filmmaker Sasha Waters Freyer chooses an enlightened feminist perspective ...
Zeughauskino Berlin, Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin, www.doku-arts.de
7:00 pm
Garry Winogrand - Everything is Photographable
DOKUARTS 11by Sasha Waters Freyer
USA, 2018, 90’, DCP, OF, German Premiere
In the presence of Sasha Waters Freyer
With snapshot-like pictures Garry Winogrand created an encyclopaedic portrait of 20th century America. Filmmaker Sasha Waters Freyer chooses an enlightened feminist perspective for her documentary about the influential photographer and disputable man.
Zeughauskino Berlin Unter den Linden 2 10117 Berlin www.doku-arts.de
Admission 5 €
Festival pass 30 €
Reservations Mon—Fri 10—18 h: 030 20 30 44 21
zeughauskino@dhm.de Box office (one hour before the first screening): 030 20 30 47 70
7:00 pm
Portfolio Walk
At the portfolio review RICH AND FAMOUS 2018, 20 selected photographers from Berlin will have the opportunity to present their work in 20-minute one-to-one interviews to renowned experts from magazines, exhibition institutions and galleries. In the subsequent Portfolio Walk, they ...
f3 – freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin www.fhochdrei.org
7:00 pm
Portfolio Walk
At the portfolio review RICH AND FAMOUS 2018, 20 selected photographers from Berlin will have the opportunity to present their work in 20-minute one-to-one interviews to renowned experts from magazines, exhibition institutions and galleries. In the subsequent Portfolio Walk, they present their work to the public. Get-together with drinks and pretzels.
f³ – freiraum für fotografie Waldemarstraße 17 10179 Berlin www.fhochdrei.org