Dirty Laundry
Lela Ahmadzai, Wolfgang Bellwinkel, Philipp Breu, Claudia Bühler, Christian Ditsch, Jörg Gläscher, Andreas B. Krüger, Andrea Künzig, Amélie Losier, Andreas Meichsner, Heike Steinweg, Rainer F. Steußloff, Karen Stuke, Claudia Wiens
Europe guarantees peace and freedom yet at the same time is home to the largest arms producers on the planet. Europe exports arms to proxy wars around the world but closes its borders to refugees while making pacts with authoritarian regimes in the Mediterranean region. Asylum-seekers drown at sea or are forced into slavery and sex work. Technology and natural disasters push humanity to the limits of conceivable suffering. Artists rising up against the warlords in their home countries run unimaginable risks.
The aim of the joint FREELENS exhibition ‘Dirty Laundry’ is to look at wars and crises from the perspective of European involvement and responsibility, as well as to establish connections and point out causes.
The exhibition comprises photography and multimedia projects: 60 works submitted by 30 photographers.
Fotogalerie Friedrichshain
8.10. – 20.11.2020
Vernissage 8.10.2020 7:00 pm
Finissage 20.11.2020 7:00 pm
Fotogalerie FriedrichshainHelsingforser Platz 1
10243 Berlin - Friedrichshain
T 030 296 1684
Tue–Sat 14–18 h, Thu 10–20 h
Public transport
S+U Warschauer Straße
Admission price
Free admission