Floating Identities

K.T. Blumberg, Andreas Herzau, Nikita Teryoshin, Andrea Wilmsen, Wolfgang Zurborn

‘Given that the constant flood of images in the digital media age influences our mindsets and sensibilities, to what extent is individual, personal perception still possible in public space?’The five photographers in the exhibition ‘Floating Identities’ address this question in a balancing act between the freedom of associative observation and the undeniable reference to social reality.

The stylistic range extends from ironically skewed documentary approaches to a radically subjective perspective in which only remnants of the authentic are recognizable. Ultimately, it was a matter of capturing everyday experiences in different nations and social constellations in all their vital complexity and rapidly accelerating shifts. The world’s coherence is increasingly dissolving and establishing an identity is becoming more and more difficult for people today, because identity itself is always in a floating state.


15.Oct 7:30 pm

"Photography als Essay - Andreas Herzau schildert seinen Werdegang zur Fotokunst"?


Andreas Herzau setzt sich als Fotograf , Hochschuldozent und Autor künstlerisch, theoretisch und angewandt mit Fotografie auseinander. Er schildert seinen Werdegang. Seine Arbeiten veröffentlicht er in Buchprojekten, Ausstellungen und Zeitschriften weltweit – zuletzt im Rahmen der Ausstellung [SPACE] STREET. LIFE. PHOTOGRAPHY in den Deichtorhallen in Hamburg.


Kunsthaus sans titre Potsdam Französische Straße 18 14467 Potsdam www.sans-titre.de

Registration required


7 € / 4 €