innenwelt I außenraum

Graduates' Exhibition #28 Supervised by Eva Maria Ocherbauer and Bertram Kober

Meira Dins, Milton Rojas Echeverri, Magdalena Franke, Giedrė Kuliauskaitė, Olga Kuzminskaya, Ekaterina Sevrouk, Nirajan Shrestha, Anna Stocker

The end of this strange year, when inside and outside entered into a new relationship, has nearly come to a close. Against this backdrop, the work of the current graduates of the Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin appears in an unexpectedly ambiguous light. In photographs, collages, and a film, they devote themselves to interior worlds that find a corresponding exterior space through the medium of the image.

The focus here is on signals from strange extra-terrestrial beings, on museum taxidermists’ specimens in fantastically exaggerated states of preservation; it’s about taking a proactive approach to one’s own depression and the shrinking biodiversity now upsetting the world’s biological equilibrium. Stardust gives birth to glittering galaxies while, on Earth, a couple of friends hoist their sails. These works convey an idea of the aura that people and things leave behind in a location, the aura that hovers around the set of original circumstances that life has passed on to us.

As much as things may have changed this year, some things will remain the same – precisely because they are so incredibly human.


31.Oct 10:00 am

Bilder machen für die Zukunft - Positionen der Umwelt­fotografie


Das Symposium stellt verschiedene Aspekte des noch jungen und fototheoretisch wenig erforschten Gebiets der Umweltfotografie vor. Wie wird die Umweltkrise in dokumentarischen und künstlerischen Positionen dargestellt? Welche historischen und zeitgenössischen Strategien gibt es in der Umweltfotografie, welche fototheoretischen Positionen? Welche Fotos haben tatsächlich Veränderungen angestoßen? Diese Fragen werden Referent*innen in ihren Vorträgen für das Symposium untersuchen.


Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin Brunnenstraße 188-190 10119 Berlin

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