WW48 Studio
Weichselstrasse 48
12045 Berlin – Neukölln
Free admission
WW48 Studio
Opening / Vernissage
Behçet Safa
SAFA. The Best Painter of the Island

WW48 Studio is excited to present the Hokus Pokus Photon Photos series for the fourth time – a multimedia format on the medium of photography in which cultures connect, centuries overlap and the contemporary and historical are shown side by side. The studio developed this multimedia format for the EMOP – European Month of Photography Berlin and invites visitors to the exhibition SAFA: The Best Painter of the Island as part of the 2023 anniversary edition. 

For the first time in Berlin, the photographic work of Behçet Safa will be shown including original photographs, photo collages and a video installation about the artist’s life and work. The exhibition was curated by a team consisting of Silvia Maccariello, Nadia D’Alessio, Sanculotte and Mehmet Tantekin. A catalogue produced in the in-house risograph printing workshop Replo Press accompanies the exhibition.