c/o Museum für Fotografie
Jebensstraße 2
10623 Berlin – Charlottenburg
Admission 10.00 €
Reduce Admission 5.00 €
Museum für Fotografie
23rd 03.2023
19–21.30 H
Opening / Vernissage
Flashes of Memory
Photography During the Holocaust

In cooperation with the Kunstbibliothek at the Museum für FotografieYad Vashem – The World Holocaust Remembrance Center presents a German version of its acclaimed exhibition Flashes of Memory, which first opened in January 2018 in Jerusalem. The show offers a critical account of visual documentation in the form of photographs and films made during the Holocaust by German and Jewish photographers, as well as by members of the Allied Forces during liberation. The exhibition sheds light on the circumstances of the photograph and the worldview of the documenting photographer, both official and private.