

At Photos in Books, part of the EMOP Opening Days programme at the Akademie der Künste, everything revolves around photography in printed and published form. The connection between books and photography, which has a long history, is becoming increasingly attractive – whether in the form of constantly evolving self-publishing formats, artists' and photo books or catalogues. At Photos in Books, national and international publishers with a focus on photographic books are invited to present their publications both on a table and in an accompanying programme. Visitors have the opportunity to browse through the latest publications and talk to publishers and artists.
Organised by Rebecca Wilton
89 Books, IT
Bierke Verlag, DE
Blow Up Press, PL
Camera Austria, AT
dienacht publishing, DE
Disko Bay, DK
Fotohof, AT
Perimeter Editions, AU
Shift Books, DE
Spector Books, DE, DE