Laura Mars Gallery
Bülowstraße 52
10783 Berlin – Schöneberg
Opening hours
Mon. closedTue. closedWed. 1–7pmThu. 1–7pmFri. 1–7pmSat. 1–6pmSun. closed
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Laura Mars Gallery
24.02.2023 7pm
Luise Marchand | Stefanie Seufert
Luise Marchand, Stefanie Seufert

The photographic works by Luise Marchand and Stefanie Seufert on display at Laura Mars Gallery, with their individual ways of creation, navigate in different contexts. They overlap in their reflections on beauty, splendor, and decadence.

Luise Marchand's installation from the series Muttererde (2022/23) refers to the manifold contemporary significance of floristry under the influence of capitalist value creation, which always favors topsoil, the most fertile horizon of natural resources. In her works she dissects the subjugation of nature and at the same time exposes its uncontrollability with it.

Stefanie Seufert's works are part of her latest series Spirals (2022), whose minimalist form is the product of repetitive, gestural light drawings made with a flashlight. With her photograms, Seufert explores the possibilities and limits of analog photography, expands the medium with elements of painting and performance, and questions it about the relationship between precision on the one hand and spontaneity, manipulation, and artistic freedom on the other.