Portfolio Reviews

Present your photographs in one-on-one discussions, explain your image ideas in person and benefit from the knowledgable opinions and suggestions of 28 international experts! For Portfolio Reviews on Saturday September 29th and Sunday 30th, you'll have the chance as a photographer, artist or student to present your photographic work to world-renowned experts in 15 minute-long individual discussions – including photographers, curators, art directors, journalists and gallery owners. You can find an overview of the reviewers at the end of this page. 

The application process is completed.



Where: Museum für Fotografie / Helmut Newton Foundation, Jebensstraße 2 . 10623 Berlin
When: September 29th and 30th, 2018, each of them from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm / 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm 
Participation Fee: 3 discussions for 90 EUR, 6 discussions for 150 EUR
Application Deadline: September 3th, 2018, 03:00 pm

You can find the rules of participation here.


  • Sylvia Ballhause


    Sylvia Ballhause

    Sylvia Ballhause


    Sylvia Ballhause


    Sylvia Ballhause / Born 1977 / Studied communication design and fine-art photography at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig with Christopher Muller and Beate Gütschow. / Her works have been shown in numerous group exhibitions and photo festivals, including “(Miss)Understanding Photography” (2004) at Museum Folkwang in Essen and Les Rencontres d’Arles. / From 2013 to 2017 she worked as a curatorial assistant at the city-run Galerie Zephyr – Raum für Fotografie in Mannheim. / Currently she is the project director for Days of Photography in Darmstadt.

    Photo: © Daniel Lukac


    Curators, Festival makers, Photographer, Gallery


  • Nadine Barth

    Consulting Editor Verlag Hatje Cantz, Berlin

    Nadine Barth

    Nadine Barth

    Consulting Editor Verlag Hatje Cantz, Berlin

    Nadine Barth


    Nadine Barth / Studied philosophy, literature and art history in Hamburg / Worked for many years as a journalist and art dealer / 2006 founded the barthouse culture concepts agency for art and communications / Editor of diverse publications on photography and fashion including Vanishing Landscapes and Traumfrauen (both 2008), Traummänner, Amazonen and German Fashion Design (all 2011), Daniel Josefsohn: OK DJ (2014), Anatol Kotte: Iconication and Martin Roemers: Metropolis (both 2015), Andres Serrano: Salvation and BerlinRaumRadar (both 2016) / Curator of exhibitions including for the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg, MAMM in Moscow, Puma in Singapore and the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin / 2013 to present: consulting editor for photography art books at Hatje Cantz / Nadine Barth lives and works in Berlin.


    Curators, Publishing house, Gallery

  • Michael Biedowicz

    Photo editor for ZEITmagazin and galerist at pavlov’s dog, Berlin

    Michael Biedowicz

    Michael Biedowicz

    Photo editor for ZEITmagazin and galerist at pavlov’s dog, Berlin

    Michael Biedowicz


    Michael Biedowicz / Born 1955 / Worked as a theater photographer at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin and as a fine arts photo editor at taz – die tageszeitung and Wochenpost / Since 1997 Employed at DIE ZEIT and as photo editor at ZEITmagazin since 2007 / Curator and gallerist at pavlov’s dog /  Member in numerous juries (including jury spokesperson, Deutscher Jugend Fotopreis, Photographers Association of the Netherlands [PANL], Körber Stiftung, Lotto Kunstpreis Berlin/Brandenburg, Leica Oskar Barnack Award) / Guest lecturer at Merz Akademie Stuttgart, Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin and Design Akademie Berlin / 2014 Appointed to Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) / Since 2017 Lecturer at Lette-Verein Berlin / Michael Biedowicz lives and works in Berlin.


    Photographer, Professors, Newspaper, Gallery


  • Estelle Blaschke

    Professor /Scientist for History and Theory of Photography at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne)

    Estelle Blaschke

    Estelle Blaschke

    Professor /Scientist for History and Theory of Photography at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne)

    Estelle Blaschke


    Estelle Blaschke / b. 1976 / She has been teaching the history and theory of photography at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne) since 2013 and conducts research on concepts of photography as an information technology at the University of Lausanne / She was a Fellow at the Max Planck Institute of the History of Science in Berlin in 2009–2011 and 2014 / She received the Research Award of the German Photographic Association (DGPh) in 2012 for her dissertation on the history of photo agencies / Her publications include Banking on Images. The Bettmann Archive and Corbis, Spector Books (2016) and “The Excess of the Photographic Archive” in Documenting the World. Photography, Film and the Scientific Record, University of Chicago Press (2016).


    Art Historians, Professors
