Yamamoto Masao – Microcosm Macrocosm

Yamamoto Masao

Yamamoto Masao (born 1957) is known for his small-format silver gelatin prints, which he reworks through manual interventions that almost turn them into objects that retain memories of the past. His images express the notion that humanity is only one small part of nature, which in turn is merely one part of an immense universe. For the exhibition, Yamamoto will create a wall installation that integrates selected works by Alfred Ehrhardt. Particularly meaningful to Yamamoto is Ehrhardt’s “constructive and structural eye for the beauty of nature, which amasses a visual archive of nature’s artistic forms.” His work demonstrates a fundamental correspondence between Ehrhardt’s natural philosophy and his own Japanese perspective on nature. In addition, Yamamoto presents photographs from his Shizuka series [cleansed, pure, immaculate], which depicts things that he found in the woods surrounding his home and which, like “precious jewels, carry the peaceful breath of nature within,” as well as works from his new series Bonsai Microcosm Macrocosm.


17.Oct 7:00 pm

Photo-Eye Fritz Block: From Photo Archive to Photo Book


The photographic work of Fritz Block (1889–1955) is spanning the eras of New Photography in Europe and color photography in America. In 2017, it has been presented by the Alfred Ehrhardt Foundation in an exhibition for the first time. This project recently resulted in a voluminous monograph published by Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich. Roland Jaeger, its author, explains the transformation of an at first unsorted estate archive into a structured, annotated and richly illustrated photo book. Aspects of photo history, book design, and printing technology will be visualized and discussed.


Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Auguststraße 75 10117 Berlin

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