
Graduates' exhibition #27 Supervised by Eva Bertram and Eva Maria Ocherbauer

Alîn Gabriel, Johann Karl, Linda Kerstein, Elvira Kolerova, Alice Palchetti, Loris Rizzo, Jonathan Sachs, Kyriakos Tarassidis, Richard Wohlfarth

Utopia, dystopia… atopia! In their final exhibition, our nine current graduates don’t tackle the extreme but the indescribable in-between, the ungraspable, that which can’t be located. Their works deal with the overlapping of time intrinsic to certain places, with photography and film as means to capture immediacy, circumstances, and the ephemeral.

We are being sensitized to the ordinary in everyday life in the city, prompted to question the authenticity of contemporary rituals and to imagine for a moment the desire to invigorate a pale, post-apocalyptic universe with new colours. Overall, the idea of mise-en-scène, our imagination, and the uncanny are the common threads running through the show.

How much discomfort can images still create today? Are there intergalactic intersections between plastic and fashion? And what happens in our minds, if amorphous structures transform into projection screens and their substance dissolves?


31.Oct 10:00 am

Bilder machen für die Zukunft - Positionen der Umwelt­fotografie


Das Symposium stellt verschiedene Aspekte des noch jungen und fototheoretisch wenig erforschten Gebiets der Umweltfotografie vor. Wie wird die Umweltkrise in dokumentarischen und künstlerischen Positionen dargestellt? Welche historischen und zeitgenössischen Strategien gibt es in der Umweltfotografie, welche fototheoretischen Positionen? Welche Fotos haben tatsächlich Veränderungen angestoßen? Diese Fragen werden Referent*innen in ihren Vorträgen für das Symposium untersuchen.


Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin Brunnenstraße 188-190 10119 Berlin

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