Gordon Clark & Imraan Christian

Imraan Christian, Gordon Clark

Imraan Christian and Gordon Clark live now and have lived previously in Cape Town and address social problems in post-apartheid South Africa.

Clark, born in Johannesburg in 1955, is an established photographer and film producer. His series The Outcome of Turner Adams portrays one of the heads of Cape Town’s Numbers Gangs, the 28s. The serious gang problem in the Cape Flats area in the southeast of Cape Town dates back to the racist policies of the apartheid regime, which displaced the Black population to the city’s fringes.

Christian, born in Cape Town in 1992, is a photographer and activist. His work MA SE KINDERS portrays a futuristic view of the Hangberg township on the outskirts of Cape Town. Under the apartheid-era Group Areas Act, which led to the mass removal of non-white people from their homes, it was designated a ‘coloured’ residential area. The legacy of the oppressive system continues to contribute to widespread poverty, glorification of weapons and violence, and systematic persecution of the indigenous.