Revision: Periphery as a Place

The Hellersdorf Project. Photo Series by Helga Paris and Ulrich Wüst

Helga Paris, Ulrich Wüst

The exhibition Periphery as a Place – The Hellersdorf Project, organized by Ulrich Domröse (departing curator for photography at the Berlinische Galerie), was first shown at the nGbK in Kreuzberg over twenty years ago. Now, the nGbK presents two of the photo series from that exhibition –urban landscapes by Ulrich Wüst and portraits of young people by Helga Paris – at its satellite location in Hellersdorf, station urbaner kulturen. REVISION affords an opportunity for fresh discussion of the work and is complemented by additional works by both photographers.

For the exhibition in 1999, which was commissioned by the Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Hellersdorf (WoGeHe housing enterprise), Ulrich Domröse invited the renowned artists Helga Paris and Ulrich Wüst, as well as Jens Rötzsch and Max Baumann, to explore the large Hellersdorf housing estate and produce photographic series based on what they saw.

Frictions between the present Hellersdorf Project and that of 1999 are up for public discussion at station urbaner kulturen.