Visual Dialectics

The Medium of Photography in Hungarian Art 1970-2000

András Baranyay, László Beke, Balázs Beöthy, Gábor Bódy, Tibor Csiky, Orshi Drozdik, Ferenc Ficzek, Ferenc Grunwalsky, Tibor Gyenis, Tibor Hajas, László Hegedűs 2, Zsigmond Károlyi, Judit Kele, András Koncz, László Lakner, András Lengyel, Kriszta Nagy, Hajnal Németh, Marcel Odenbach, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Péter Rónai, Péter Sarkadi, Pál Szacsva y, Tibor Szalai, Ernő Tolvaly, Endre Tót, Zsuzsi Ujj, Beáta Veszely

The exhibition examines the development of Hungarian photographic and photo-based artistic positions against the backdrop of state socialism and other European and East European realities in the last third of the twentieth century.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the influence of Western European movements on Hungarian underground artists was largely indirect and shaped by local interpretations. Private travel and scholarships were rare, so direct contact with Western trends was limited.

In the late 1970s, more opportunities opened up for movement and networking. The political thaw allowed Hungarian artists to spend time abroad and participate in international trends. One key institution at the time was the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which offered artists residencies in Berlin. 

The generation of the late 1980s could finally breathe freely together with its Western contemporaries. Art was no longer defined by the strict socialist order. This led to the discovery of artistic identity as a cultural product as well as to a rethink of artistic positions – also in the field of photography.

From the collection of Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest.


7.Oct 6:00 pm

Online Filmscreening: „Meteo” (1990, 102 min, R.: András Monory Mész)


Die postapokaliptische Sci-Fi spielt mit dem Traum des schnellen Reichwerdens – vor dem Hintergrund einer distopischen Gesallschaftsordnung, die an den zerfallenden Sozialismus erinnert.


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

Additional Information

online event

in Hungarian with English subtitles

Registration required

Registration required

7.Oct 8:00 pm

Online Filmscreening: „Eskimo Woman Feel Cold” (1983, 111 min R.: János Xantus)


In dem postmodernen Melodrama erscheint hinter der tragischen Geschichte eines Liebesdreiecks fast die ganze Budapester Underground-Musikszene der 80er Jahre.


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

Additional Information

online event

in Hungarian with English subtitles

Registration required

Registration required

21.Oct 7:00 pm

Film screening: „Photography” (1972, 80 min, R.: Pál Zolnay)


Der fiktionale Dokumentarfilm „Photography” begleitet einen Fotografen und einen Retuscheur auf ihrer Geschäftsreise im ländlichen Ungarn. Eine filmische Abhandlung über das Medium Fotografie und das Verhältnis zwischen Wahrheit und Fälschung.


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

Additional Information

in Hungarian with English subtitles

22.Oct 7:00 pm

Film screening: „Dream Copies” (1977, 93 min, R.: Miklós Erdély)


Der universell begabte Künstler Miklós Erdély, der als „Vater der neuen ungarischen Avantgarde“ galt, versucht in seinem Experimentalfilm „Dream Copies” die Träume verschiedener Interviewpartner mit filmischen Mitteln zu rekonstruieren.


Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

Additional Information

in Hungarian with English subtitles