Although the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin does not have a photography department of its own, contemporary art and modern design would be unthinkable without the medium. The lockdowns of the last few pandemic years intensified students’ relationship to photography, and so it was logical that the university, at their request, initiated a two-semester interdisciplinary project on the subject of encounter. Students had access to the university’s various technical facilities for their individual artistic exploration of the topic.
The joint exhibitions in the Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz in Berlin and at an additional site, the Expoost gallery in Hoorn (NL), provide spaces for thought and action that make it possible for students to test what they’ve learned in their art and design training and gain insight into socially relevant correlations. The exhibitions present a young, experimental approach to photography and related fields.
Led by Dirk Peuker, Andreas Rost, Volo Bevza, Benjamin Althammer.