Open Call

Museums, exhibition spaces, memorial sites, archives, collections, libraries, cultural institutes, universities, art academies and other educational institutions in the field of photography, as well as municipal and private galleries and project spaces are invited to submit an exhibition project to our biennial festival EMOP Berlin – European Month of Photography. Because it’s with these projects that EMOP Berlin 2025 will once again present the city of Berlin as a hub for discourse on the medium of photography. EMOP Berlin’s 11th edition will take place March 1–31, 2025.

Further information on participation guidelines can be found here.

The open call for exhibition projects ended on July 31, 2025. Thank you for your interest and the numerous submissions. If you have any questions about the open call, please contact


Who is the open call for submissions to EMOP Berlin 2025 aimed at? arrow
When does the submission process begin and end? arrow
Where can I find the forms for submitting an exhibition proposal for participation in EMOP Berlin 2025? arrow
Who selects the exhibition proposals for EMOP Berlin 2025? arrow
When will the acceptance and rejection letters for participation in EMOP Berlin 2025 be mailed? arrow
What happens after you’ve been invited to take part in EMOP Berlin? arrow
Are there any costs involved in participating in EMOP Berlin? arrow
Will EMOP Berlin finance the project I’ll be presenting at the festival? arrow
What is the leitmotif for EMOP Berlin 2025? arrow
The open call has announced the leitmotif for the 2025 edition of EMOP Berlin. Does the project have to relate to the leitmotif to qualify? arrow
Can institutions and initiatives not based in Berlin submit a project proposal? arrow
Can individuals submit a project proposal? arrow
Can a project proposal be submitted without having an exhibition space? arrow
Can a project be submitted whose list of artists is not yet final? arrow
Can a project be submitted whose selection of works is not yet complete? arrow
Do the accompanying events and educational programmes (talks, guided tours, etc.) have to be included in the submission? arrow
I’m planning a photo exhibition in Berlin, but it opens prior to the official start of the festival month. Can my exhibition still be part of the festival? arrow