Lectures, Workshops

17.Oct - 15.Dec 10:00 am

Workshops for school classes: MemoryLab: The Sentimental Turn. Photography Challenges History

Workshops for school classes

Parallel to the central exhibition of the 6th European Month of Photography Berlin – MemoryLab: The Sentimental Turn. Photography Challenges History, workshops for school classes are offered from Oct 17 – Dec 15, 2014.

Organized by Kulturprojekte Berlin | Europäischer Monat der Fotografie Berlin

Martin-Gropius-Bau Niederkirchnerstraße 7 10963 Berlin www.mdf-berlin.de/de/veransta…

Registration required


Museumsinformation Berlin: 030 247 49 888
17.Oct 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

Art Goes Pixel – High-end Solutions for Art and Book Reproduction

In-house fair

Art is becoming increasingly digital, but sometimes only when it’s already art. At the same time, the art is growing larger and larger. That's nice, but a lot of work. Both in terms of the digitisation of analogue photographic materials and the reproduction of great works and the presentation of the results, ambitions and standards have risen over the last few years. Fortunately, the performance of digital systems has also increased accordingly. The first day of the in-house exhibition fair of the Photo Pioneers is dedicated to this subject, with presentations by Alpa, Hahnemühle, Halbe, Kaiser, Linhof, Phase One, and Rodenstock.


Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere Karl-Marx-Allee 87 10243 Berlin www.fotopioniere.com/hausmess…

Free admission

18.Oct 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

On Collecting Photographs

Marjen Schmidt, one of the leading restorers of photography in Germany, presents and explains on the basis of originals a variety of photographic materials and techniques from the past 175 years. She presents not only early one-of-a-kind methods such as daguerreotype, ambrotype, and tintype, but also the positive processes of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as chromogenic colour papers and current printing processes of the digital age with their confusing names, such as “Lambda print,” “Lightjet,” or “Digital pigment print.” Archiving and presentation are other topics of the workshop.


Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere Karl-Marx-Allee 87 10243 Berlin www.fotopioniere.com/themen.h…

Additional Information

Max. 15 participants

Registration required


030 420 854 60

95 €

21.Oct 5:00 pm

Darkroom work: Developing negatives – the latent becomes visible

Event series

The event series acquaints participants with darkroom work and introduces them to the special techniques applied to light-sensitive material.


f/16 Schule für Fotografie Friedrichstraße 217 10969 Berlin

Registration required


030 343 992 45

90 €

22.Oct 10:00 am

Darkroom work: Making prints – from negative to positive

Event series

The event series acquaints participants with darkroom work and introduces them to the special techniques applied to light-sensitive material.


f/16 Schule für Fotografie Friedrichstraße 217 10969 Berlin

Registration required


030 343 992 45

90 €

22.Oct 3:00 pm

Darkroom work: Photograms – the white shadow

Event series

The event series acquaints participants with darkroom work and introduces them to the special techniques applied to light-sensitive material.


f/16 Schule für Fotografie Friedrichstraße 217 10969 Berlin

Registration required


030 343 992 45

90 €

23.Oct 3:00 pm

Darkroom work: Silver gelatine – everything becomes light sensitive

Event series

The event series acquaints participants with darkroom work and introduces them to the special techniques applied to light-sensitive material.


f/16 Schule für Fotografie Friedrichstraße 217 10969 Berlin

Registration required


030 343 992 45

90 €

24.Oct 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

Portfolio advice for photographers

Portfolio advice for photographers with Martina della Valle, Victoria Bonn-Meuser, Henning Rupp, and others.


f/16 Schule für Fotografie Friedrichstraße 217 10969 Berlin

Registration required


030 343 992 45

Free admission

24.Oct 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Portfolio Review

During the European Month of Photography, Berlin-based photographer, instructor, and founder of the Berliner FotoSalon Ruth E. Westerwelle offers three dates for individual portfolio reviews at the Fotopioniere. 

Among other things, Westerwelle was photo editor and publisher; for years now, she has been preparing young people for the photographic profession in her ESF photo classes. At the Berliner FotoSalon, she coaches ambitious amateurs and pros, and has published, along with many photo books, Fotografie – einfach kapieren and Fotografische Ausbildung in Deutschland.


Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere Karl-Marx-Allee 87 10243 Berlin

Registration required


30 Min / 50 €

25.Oct 11:00 am – 7:00 pm

Architecture Photography


The large-format camera with its optical bank is still the queen of professional architectural photography, whether analogue or digital. Using its extensive possibilities of adjustment, perspective can be corrected, depth of field determined, and orthogonal lines compensated with no loss of quality and time in the post-production process.

But what is the best way to photograph architecture?


Projektraum | PhotoWerk Berlin Hohenzollerndamm 176 c/o Kommunale Galerie Berlin 10713 Berlin

Registration required



350 €

25.Oct 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Portfolio Review

During the European Month of Photography, Berlin-based photographer, instructor, and founder of the Berliner FotoSalon Ruth E. Westerwelle offers three dates for individual portfolio reviews at the Fotopioniere. 

Among other things, Westerwelle was photo editor and publisher; for years now, she has been preparing young people for the photographic profession in her ESF photo classes. At the Berliner FotoSalon, she coaches ambitious amateurs and pros, and has published, along with many photo books, Fotografie – einfach kapieren and Fotografische Ausbildung in Deutschland.


Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere Karl-Marx-Allee 87 10243 Berlin

Registration required


30 Min/50 €

7.Nov 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Exposé workshop for photographers

More and more often, photographers are forced to represent their work in an exposé. A good and consistent text is especially important for submissions to galleries, exhibition venues, or for a residency abroad, as well as in applications for project funding. The better and more interesting the project is presented, the greater the chances of success. In this one-day workshop, journalist and art critic Angela Hohmann presents the principles of a compelling exposé. On the basis of concrete examples from the group, the participants work on their individual texts.


Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie Legiendamm 16 10179 Berlin www.humanistischefotografie.de

Additional Information

Registration through Oct 28, 2014

Registration required


100 € Members and students
130 € Nonmembers

Discount for the 2nd Workshop:
170 € Members and students
230 € Nonmembers

8.Nov 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Workshop Project management: The photographic project – from planning to implementation

Independent photographic projects need a solid structure so that they can be successfully realized. The expertise required and the various aspects of the planning and management of such projects are the subject of this one-day workshop. The lecturer, renowned documentary photographer Andrea Diefenbach, will address issues such as: selection of a topic, time and self management, and commercial and dissemination strategies for the work. The participants are invited to contribute with project ideas, photos, and notes about planned, ongoing, or completed projects.


Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie Legiendamm 16 10179 Berlin www.humanistischefotografie.de

Additional Information

Registration through Oct 28, 2014

Registration required


100 € Members and students
130 € Nonmembers

Discount for 2nd Workshop:
170 € Members and students
230 € Nonmembers

8.Nov 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Fracture Point Photography. Aesthetic Resonances in the Photographic Image


Each fall, the Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin (New School of Photography Berlin) organises a one-day symposium with six to eight lectures and contributions by well-known photographers, art scholars, and photo experts. This year's theme is related to the subject of the 6th European Month of Photography. It is called Fracture Point Photography. Aesthetic Resonances in the Photographic Image and examines the aesthetic effects the images unleash, how gaps or breaks become obvious, and what pictures do not tell. Further information: www.neue-schule-berlin.com.


Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin Brunnenstraße 188 10119 Berlin www.neue-schule-berlin.com

Registration required


030 280 468 62

Free admission

9.Nov 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Fundraising workshop for photographers

Traditional markets for professional photographers have declined in the last few years. The fees for magazine publications are not high enough any more to co-finance independent projects. Photographers therefore rely on other sources of funding. Strategies for the acquisition of financial resources become more and more important. Katharina Mouratidi, photographer and CEO of GfHF, presents successful fundraising strategies. Jointly the participants develop a budget plan for their individual projects.


Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie Legiendamm 16 10179 Berlin www.humanistischefotografie.de

Registration required


100 € Members and students
130 € Nonmembers

Discount for the 2nd Workshop:
170 € Members and students
230 € Nonmembers

13.Nov - 15.Nov 10:00 am

Gedruckte Fotografie. Abbildung, Objekt und mediales Format


Von der Erfindung der Fotografie im Jahr 1839 bis zu ihrer drucktechnischen Reproduzierbarkeit dauerte es eine ganze Weile. Erst in den 1880er Jahren wurde mit dem Rasterverfahren (Autotypie) die Voraussetzung dafür geschaffen, dass Fotografien ins (aufs) Blatt – in Tageszeitung, Magazin und Buch – kommen konnten. Die Jahre vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und die zwanziger Jahre gelten weltweit als die ersten Blütephasen der gedruckten Fotografie.
Parallel entwickelte sich die Ansichtspostkarte zu einem der beliebtesten Bildmedien. Ob Autorennen, Ballonwettfahrt, touristisches Ziel oder der Kampf im Schützengraben: Die Fotografen lichteten ihre Motive nach bildjournalistischen Kriterien ab, der Nachrichtenwert für die Zeitgenossen stand im Vordergrund. Schon am Tag nach dem sensationellen
Ereignis lagen Bildpostkarten in den Auslagen der Kioske, Schreibwarengeschäfte oder Touristenbüros.
Im Zentrum der interdisziplinären Tagung stehen Fragen nach der Authentizität fotografischer Abbildungsformen und deren Gebrauch und Bewahrung. In wieweit trugen gedruckte fotografische Formen zur Popularisierung des visuellen Mediums bei? Welche neuen Formen der Alltagsästhetik bildeten sich heraus? In welchem Umfang ist die fotografische Abbildung in der Lage, mediale Nachrichten und sonstige Informationen zu transportieren?

Organized by Kommission Fotografie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde in Kooperation mit den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin

Museum für Fotografie Jebensstraße 2 10623 Berlin www.smb.museum/mf

Additional Information

Anhand Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie bei Ihrer Ankunft im Museum einen Anstecker. Damit erreichen Sie den Tagungsraum und die Ausstellungen im Museum für Fotografie kostenlos.

Registration required

bis zum 7. November 2014 unter:

25 €, Studierende und andere Berechtigte 15 €

Den Betrag überweisen Sie bitte bis 12. 11. 2014 auf folgendes Konto:
FotoNetzWerk Berlin e.V.
IBAN: DE80430609674006955500

14.Nov 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Urban Worlds


Accompanying the exhibition Urban Worlds by Zsolt Reviczky, Enikö Molnár will hold a workshop on interpretation with artistic means.

Organized by Collegium Hungaricum Berlin

Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. Balassi Institut Dorotheenstraße 12 10117 Berlin

Free admission

15.Nov 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Photos on Paper – Fine Art Printing


One needs to understand how ICC profiles and grayscale tones work to get a “real” picture on paper. Andreas Kesberger shows where to make the correct check marks in the driver, and what to consider with printers, paper, and ink when it comes to handling and colour management. The workshop provides an overview of the printers and inks required for correct colour and subtle tonal gradations and pictures that are made ​​to last. In the end, participants will together print in colour and black and white using various different methods.

Organized by Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere

Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere Karl-Marx-Allee 87 10243 Berlin www.fotopioniere.com/themen.h…

Registration required


030 42 08 54 60

99 €

16.Nov 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Portfolio Review

During the European Month of Photography, Berlin-based photographer, instructor, and founder of the Berliner FotoSalon Ruth E. Westerwelle offers three dates for individual portfolio reviews at the Fotopioniere. 

Among other things, Westerwelle was photo editor and publisher; for years now, she has been preparing young people for the photographic profession in her ESF photo classes. At the Berliner FotoSalon, she coaches ambitious amateurs and pros, and has published, along with many photo books, Fotografie – einfach kapieren and Fotografische Ausbildung in Deutschland.


Louis@Nicéphore Fotopioniere Karl-Marx-Allee 87 10243 Berlin

Registration required



30 min / € 50