Portfolio Review

Once again, a Portfolio Review will be organised in the framework of the 6th European Month of Photography (MdF Berlin), to be held this year in collaboration with the BTK University of Applied Sciences of Berlin. Forty national and international experts are available for discussion with freelance photographers, artists, and photography students in advanced semesters.

Short Overview

Where: BTK, Bernburger Straße 24/25, 10963 Berlin
When: November 1–2, 2014
Participation fee: Three talks for € 75.00, six talks for € 130.00
Application deadline: September 12, 2014 // EXTENDED until September 24, 2014


First Prize: A solo exhibition in the dat Galerie as well as a 1,500.00 € voucher for exhibition prints with the Grieger company in Düsseldorf
Second Prize: 1,000.00 €
Third Prize: 500.00 €

Here you find detailed information for applicants and the eligibility requirements.

  • Katharina Mouratidi

    Photographer and managing director of the Society for Humanistic Photography (GfHF), Berlin

    Katharina Mouratidi

    Katharina Mouratidi

    Photographer and managing director of the Society for Humanistic Photography (GfHF), Berlin

    Katharina Mouratidi

    Katharina Mouratidi lives and works in Berlin as a freelance photographer and artist. Her works have been published all over Europe and have been seen in many solo and group exhibitions worldwide, including at the Willy-Brandt-Haus Berlin, Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, Palau Robert (Spain), and FotoFest Houston (USA). In 2013, Katharina Mouratidi was made a member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh). She teaches at a variety of institutions, including the Ostkreuzschule and the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, where she had a guest professorship in 2011. Since 2008, Katharina Mouratidi has also been managing director of the Society for Humanistic Photography (GfHF), where she plans, directs, and curates photographic projects in cooperation with renowned art and cultural institutions at home and abroad.

    Interested in:

    photographic projects on politically and socially relevant issues in every stage.

    Not interested in:

    commercial portfolios, architecture and nude photography.


  • Andreas Müller-Pohle

    Artist and publisher of European Photography, Berlin

    Andreas Müller-Pohle

    Andreas Müller-Pohle

    Artist and publisher of European Photography, Berlin

    Andreas Müller-Pohle

    Andreas Müller-Pohle is a Berlin-based media artist and publisher. He studied economics and communication at the Universities of Hannover and Gottingen and, in 1979, founded European Photography, an independent art magazine for contemporary photography and new media. His first artistic projects from the late 1970s focused on issues of photographic perception, later on photo recycling, and now also incorporate video. In the mid-1990s he began exploring the use of digital, genetic, and political codes. In his most recent works he addresses the subject of water with extensive portraits of the Danube River and the megalopolis of Hong Kong. Müller-Pohle’s works have been widely published and exhibited and are included in numerous private and museum collections worldwide. As a publisher, Müller-Pohle has edited major works by media philosopher Vilém Flusser, available today in the ten-volume Edition Flusser and including the seminal Philosophy of Photography, which has been translated into over 20 languages. Müller-Pohle was awarded the European Photography Prizeof the Reind M. De Vries Foundation in 2001. He is the author of numerous texts on photo theory, among others on ‘Visualism’, and has been a visiting professor and lecturer at the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium, among other institutions. His most recent project, Hong Kong Waters, was published by Kehrer Verlag and Asia One Books.

    Interested in:

    works that combine a concept or theme with an enhancing aesthetic approach; book projects are especially welcome.

    Not interested in:

    commercial, decorative photography.


    Photographer, Publishing house
