Portfolio Review

Once again, a Portfolio Review will be organised in the framework of the 6th European Month of Photography (MdF Berlin), to be held this year in collaboration with the BTK University of Applied Sciences of Berlin. Forty national and international experts are available for discussion with freelance photographers, artists, and photography students in advanced semesters.

Short Overview

Where: BTK, Bernburger Straße 24/25, 10963 Berlin
When: November 1–2, 2014
Participation fee: Three talks for € 75.00, six talks for € 130.00
Application deadline: September 12, 2014 // EXTENDED until September 24, 2014


First Prize: A solo exhibition in the dat Galerie as well as a 1,500.00 € voucher for exhibition prints with the Grieger company in Düsseldorf
Second Prize: 1,000.00 €
Third Prize: 500.00 €

Here you find detailed information for applicants and the eligibility requirements.

  • Emily Adams

    Exhibition director and head of the master photography class at the PHotoEspaña, Madrid

    Emily Adams

    Emily Adams

    Exhibition director and head of the master photography class at the PHotoEspaña, Madrid

    Emily Adams

    Since 2005 Emily Adams has worked for PHotoEspaña, Madrid’s International Photography and Visual Arts Festival. She was initially the Coordinator of Educational and Professional Programs, later became Exhibitions Manager, and is currently the Director of the PHotoEspañaMaster’s programme in photography for PIC.A International Centre Alcobendas PHotoEspaña.
    Emily Adams received a BA in art history in Mexico City, graduating with a thesis on the historiography of Mexican photography, and worked at the Centro de la Imagen in Lima, Peru, a public institution dedicated to the promotion of Latin American photography. She has taught at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, Centro de la Imagen, Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo in Oaxaca, Mexico, Centro Nacional de las Artes CONARTE in Monterrey, Mexico, and has participated in the portfolio reviews at the Rencontres d’Arles, Mission Jeunes Artistes in Toulouse, Savignano Immagini Festival, Thessaloniki Photography Festival and FotoFest.

    Interested in:

    seeing all work independent of the subject, genre, or technique


    Curators, Festival makers


  • Pavel Banka

    Editor-in-chief of FOTOGRAF – international magazine on photography and visual culture

    Pavel Banka

    Pavel Banka

    Editor-in-chief of FOTOGRAF – international magazine on photography and visual culture

    Pavel Banka

    Pavel Banka is an artist-photographer. In 2002 he co-founded
FOTOGRAF Magazine and has been editor-in-chief since that time. FOTOGRAF is a semi-annual, comprehensive 120-page magazine publishing the work of photographers and other artists working in photography and related arts, with two language versions (Czech/English). Each issue is focused on one common theme and features a wide range of both emerging and established Czech and international artists. An electronic version of FOTOGRAF Magazine was recently launched for tablet computers.
    The FOTOGRAF Gallery was founded in 2009 in central Prague and the FOTOGRAF Festival, an annual photo festival based in Prague, started in 2011. All of these activities are open for artists working in the field of photography and related media. FOTOGRAF Platform is an umbrella organisation encompassing all three parts of the program – magazine, gallery and festival. Pavel Banka was a FOTOGRAF Platform co-founder and currently a chairperson of the organisation.

    Interested in:

    Seeing work that is personal, innovative and attempts to open the range of photography towards a perspective of contemporary art. There are no restrictions for the subject of work; only the originality and the freshness is important. Pavel Banka looks forward to seeing the artists who will bring a new vision into the contemporary photography art scene.


    Innovative work might be published in FOTOGRAF Magazine.


    Festival makers, Newspaper, Gallery


  • Reinout van den Bergh

    Photographer and curator for the BREDAPHOTO Festival, Breda (NL)

    Reinout van den Bergh

    Reinout van den Bergh

    Photographer and curator for the BREDAPHOTO Festival, Breda (NL)

    Reinout van den Bergh

    Reinout van den Bergh studied photography and audiovisual design at the St Joost Academy for Visual Arts Breda, the Netherlands. Since 1982 he has worked from Breda as freelance photographer and audiovisual designer. In this capacity he has travelled through Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the USA, and Latin America. Besides his own photography, he worked for the dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Development Cooperation, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment, the Royal Tropical Institute, various ethnographical museums, and development cooperation projects. He is mainly inspired by recurring daily events in the lives of ordinary people, how they live, eat and drink, work, sleep, dream, and love. As photographer he captures the feelings of others in an honest, stylish, and respectful way. His work has been exhibited in various museums throughout Europe and Africa and published in various books and publications.
    Since 2007 Reinout van den Bergh is curator of the international BREDAPHOTO Festival.

    Interested in:

    photographers who work with passion.


    Curators, Festival makers, Photographer


  • Michaela Bosakova

    Curator and Project Manager for the European Month of Photography in Bratislava (SK)

    Michaela Bosakova

    Michaela Bosakova

    Curator and Project Manager for the European Month of Photography in Bratislava (SK)

    Michaela Bosakova

    Michaela Bosakova studied art history at the Comenius-University in Bratislava. She was Head Curator of CEHF. She was also the production editor of the first volume of the encyclopaedia The History of European Photography 1900–1938. She will also be the project manager for the next two volumes. Michaela Bosakova co-produces The European Month of Photography festival in Bratislava. Furthermore she cooperates with several cultural magazines.

    Interested in:

    something more than just a photograph.


    support for young talent with future cooperation and exhibiting.


    Curators, Festival makers


  • Louise Clements

    Artistic director of QUAD & FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby (GB)

    Louise Clements

    Louise Clements

    Artistic director of QUAD & FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby (GB)

    Louise Clements

    Louise Clements is Artistic Director of QUAD, a centre for contemporary art and film, as well as being the co-founder and, since 2004, Artistic Director/Curator of the FORMAT International Photography Festival in Derby. As a curator, since 1998 she has initiated and curated many commissions, publications, mass participation, art, film, and photography programmes and exhibitions. She was guest curator at Kaunas Photofestival, Lithuania; Habitat Centre and Haus Khas BlowUp, in Dehli, India; Dong GangInternational Photography Festival, South Korea; UK Photography Now: The Constructed View, 2013; Dali International Photography Festival, China, (theme: Life Is Elsewhere) 2013; Noorderlicht 20/20 2013. She was a jury member for WYNG Masters Hong Kong 2014, LensCulture Portrait Prize 2014, France, Daylight Award USA. Louise regularly writes about photography for catalogues and magazines in both print and online media. She is co-editor of photobooks inc Hijacked III UK/AUS, PHOTOCINEMA, Hungry Still and is editor at large for www.1000wordsmag.com. She is an international photography juror and nominator, and portfolio reviewer at festivals and galleries extensively throughout Europe, America, and across Asia.

    Interested in:

    seeing any kind of work at any stage of the project development; photographers who are interested in discussing ideas; collaborative projects and the crossover between photography and other media.


    During the review Louise can offer critique on creative practice and advice on strategies for the presentation of work and conceptual project development ideas for publishing, exhibition in gallery or public space. During the review process photographers can expect supportive discussion on their projects and if relevant, referrals and suggestions for progression.


    Curators, Festival makers


  • Ângela Ferreira

    Director of the Encontros da Imagem Festival, Braga (P)

    Ângela Ferreira

    Ângela Ferreira

    Director of the Encontros da Imagem Festival, Braga (P)

    Ângela Ferreira

    Ângela Ferreira is Director and Curator of the Portuguese photo festival Encontros da Imagem in Braga, an international festival specialised in fine art photography and finding and introducing contemporary artists from around the world. She has contributed articles to numerous magazines, interviewed international artists, and introduced their work to the Portuguese art scene based on her professional background and expertise in the field of art photography.

    Interested in:

    documentary photography and photo essays as well as compelling work, whether abstract or not, addressing contemporary issues.


    Searches for well-edited portfolios to include in the Encontros da Imagem festival in Braga and/or to nominate these for other photography institutions.


    Curators, Festival makers


  • Joanne Junga Yang

    Director and curator of the Y&G Art Global Project and the SEOUL PHOTO FESTIVAL, Seoul (ROK)

    Joanne Junga Yang

    Joanne Junga Yang

    Director and curator of the Y&G Art Global Project and the SEOUL PHOTO FESTIVAL, Seoul (ROK)

    Joanne Junga Yang

    Joanne Junga Yang is the Director and Curator of the Y&G Art Global Contemporary Project. She is also currently the Director of the International Committee of the SEOUL PHOTO FESTIVAL. Last year, she co-curated the Dong Gang International Photo Festival. She also curated the SEOUL PHOTO FESTIVAL in 2011.

    Interested in:

    viewing contemporary and developed bodies of work covering diverse issues.

    Not interested in:

    commercial photography.


    Curators, Festival makers


  • Christophe Laloi

    Artistic director of the Vois Off Festival, Arles (F)

    Christophe Laloi

    Christophe Laloi

    Artistic director of the Vois Off Festival, Arles (F)

    Christophe Laloi

    Christophe Laloi graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la photographie d’Arles, France, in 1996 with a master’s degree in art history. Afterwards he founded the Voies Off Festival at the Rencontres d’Arles. He is the festival’s Artistic Director and Director of Programming, selecting more than 60 artists from five continents each year.
    Christophe Laloi is a key member of the jury for the Prix Voies Off. He organises portfolio reviews, as well as a variety of exhibitions. Between 2000 and 2005 he also undertook creative activities in the areas of scenography, installation, and projection of photography. He has been a lecturer at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles for ten years. He has also been a reviewer for many festivals in France, Denmark, Turkey, Spain, and England. In 2007, Mr. Laloi opened the Galerie Voies Off. This exhibition space presents emerging and established photographers throughout the year. He also founded a professional digital printing laboratory for contemporary photography in Arles.

    Interested in:

    contemporary photography.


    Curators, Festival makers, Gallery

  • Yong-Hwan Lee

    Professor for Photography at Chung-Ang University and director of the Daegu Photo Biennal 2010, Seoul (ROK)

    Yong-Hwan Lee

    Yong-Hwan Lee

    Professor for Photography at Chung-Ang University and director of the Daegu Photo Biennal 2010, Seoul (ROK)

    Yong-Hwan Lee

    Yong-Hwan Lee is a Professor in the Department of Photography at Chung-Ang University and also president of The Society of Korean Photography. He was Director of the 2010 Daegu Photo Biennale. He graduated with a degree in photography from Chung-Ang University and in multimedia from Ohio University. He is currently working with Samsung Electronics providing advice about new digital media devices. As a photo artist, he is interested in cityscapes that examine the social and historical side of modern Korea. 

    Interested in:

    the ability of historical, social, and aesthetic judgment.


    Curators, Festival makers, Photographer, Professors


  • Moritz Neumüller

    Curator for PhotoIreland, Barcelona (E)

    Moritz Neumüller

    Moritz Neumüller

    Curator for PhotoIreland, Barcelona (E)

    Moritz Neumüller

    Moritz Neumüller received a degree in art history from the University of Vienna and is also a graduate of the Vienna University of Economics and Business. He has worked for the Department of Photography at the Museum of Modern Artin New York City and supervised several international book and exhibition projects on photography and video art. He has directed various activities of PHotoEspaña, the Spanish Festival of Photography and Visual Arts from 2004 to 2007, and the LOOP International Video Festival & Fair in Barcelona in 2008.
    He is currently working for PhotoIreland and directing a study program called European Master of Fine Art Photography in Madrid. Since 2010, he runs The Curator Ship, a platform for photography and image culture.

    Interested in:

    contemporary work by photographers and media artists, especially documentary, social, and conceptual work.

    Not interested in:

    traditional nudes, still lifes, commercial work, lifestyle, and fashion.


    If he cannot include you in one of the shows he curates for festivals and institutions, Moritz Neumüller is known to try his best to provide useful advice, casual mentoring, and even contact information for other people who might be interested in your work.


    Curators, Festival makers
