Erik Niedling

A Pyramid for Me

Erik Niedling

Erik Niedling is known as a conceptual photographer who focused on disappearance and the ephemeral in several work series. In 2010, his approach embarked on a new direction. Following the completion of the documentary The Future of Art together with writer Ingo Niermann, the artist came to see himself as the blind spot of his own work. Subsequently, Niedling began to explore disappearance – both of his person and his works. As a future storage place for Niedling’s biographical archive, Niermann presented him with the idea of the pyramid mountain: a pyramid at least 200 metres high is chiselled out of an existing mountain. Following its owner’s burial, the pyramid is covered with the removed material to restore the original shape of the mountain. The exhibition at Haus am Lützowplatz presents Niedling’s work from 2012 to 2014, which document the artist’s exploration of his own impermanence.