Karl-Ludwig Lange. The Photographer in His Time. Berlin Years 1973–2004

The Tiergarten District 1985

Karl-Ludwig Lange

As in a panning shot in film, Karl-Ludwig Lange takes us from Matthäikirchplatz and the Neue Nationalgalerie to the former Diplomatic Quarter in Berlin. The district arose during the Nazi era in a residential part of the city filled with mansions and pompous buildings; it was largely destroyed during World War II.
In 1985, at the time the photographs were taken, the district, once highly important both politically and culturally, was nothing more than a wasteland. A short time later, the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation built the Kulturforum here and relocated the Gemäldegalerie and other museums to the empty area. Following a third construction phase, after the ownership status of the buildings was resolved, the area has once again become an embassy quarter.

Over the course of five decades, Karl-Ludwig Lange independently created an artistic body of work. Visitors are advised to see all exhibitions of the ten-part project The Photographer in His Time to fully understand his world of imagery.