Arno | Tina, Martin | Juliane, Bernhard | Marcus, Nan | Markus, Evelyn | Stephan, Anton | Anja, F.C. | Andreas

Tina Bara, Anton Corbijn, Stephan Erfurt, Arno Fischer, Marcus Gaab, Nan Goldin, Anja Grabert, F.C. Gundlach, Evelyn Hofer, Markus Jans, Andreas Mühe, Bernhard Prinz, Martin Schoeller, Juliane Werner

The relationship between master and pupil is fraught with tension in all art forms. While the master often secretly wishes that his or her style will live on in the works of his/her pupils, the latter often experience a rebellious urge to emancipate themselves, to effect a deliberately orchestrated break to escape the master’s shadow. In the field of photography, this relationship between artists can be very special. A particular closeness often arises that reaches far into the private lives of the people involved and usually carries on for many years.
The exhibition ÜBER | MEISTER attempts to visualise this complex relationship between two photographers. Made visible here is an entire spectrum of possibilities of how the teacher/student relationship between photographers can play out: from mutual influence and inspiration to a deliberate departure and break with the visual language of the master.
Andreas Wolf