
Photography Between Indifference and Difference

Hampus Bovbjerg-Grip, Dennis Burén, Azmir Cordic, Andreas Engman, Rebecca Eskilsson, Brian Frænde, Elin Granath, Malin Griffiths, Mette Hartung Kirkegaard, Anja Linnea Hellström, Pia Johansson Goldmann, Elin Liljeblad, Sarah Oja, Sebastian Thomsen, Johanna Wallin, Leila Wegner

What would photography between indifference and difference be like? Sixteen graduates of the bachelor program in photography at the Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg in Sweden explore this question.
In a time of exhaustion, art photography is capable of acting as a singular antidote. Consciously or unconsciously, it situates itself between circumstances, intervenes, intermingles in things, negotiates. It plays an active role in the present. What kind of photography could actually make a difference? And how can we cast aside apathy?
The Valand Academy at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden offers the country’s only university-level education in photography. Each year, it brings together students from all the Nordic countries together with exchange students from across Europe.