Wohlstandstraum / Nuclear Family
A Photo Essay by Kermit Berg 2009–2011
Kermit Berg
American painter, printmaker, graphic designer, and conceptual artist Kermit Berg (born 1951) has focussed on digital photography since the 1990s. His works in series are made in very small editions and often as original pieces.
In Wohlstandstraum / Nuclear Family, inspired by letters exchanged in the 1950s between his father and a family from West Berlin, Berg creates an intimate portrait of the ties between people from different nations during the Cold War. In this juxtaposition of letter excerpts and other artefacts with texts of his own and brilliant shots of designer objects of the time, the elegant world of objects stands for a universal dream of modernity, cleanliness, and prosperity.
Berg transposes his family history into the present through associational representation, leading viewers to ponder German–American friendship, personal and social values, and the ways in which these can be threatened. As in Berg’s architecture-based photo series, the works shed a light on aesthetic achievements and utopias of a past era that reverberate to this day.
Stadtmuseum Berlin. Landesmuseum für Kultur und Geschichte Berlins
11.10. – 1.02.2015
Vernissage 10.10.2014 6:00 pm
Märkisches MuseumAm Köllnischen Park 5
10179 Berlin
T 030 240 021 62
Tue–Sun 10 am–6 pm, free admission each first Wed of the month
Public transport
U2 Märkisches Museum, U8, S5, S7, S75 Jannowitzbrücke, Bus 147, 248, 265, M48
Admission price
Admission € 5/€ 3
Stadtmuseum Berlin. Landesmuseum für Kultur und Geschichte BerlinsPoststraße 13
10178 Berlin (Mitte)
T 030 240 021 53
Ines HahnPartners
Ulrike GriebnerCatalog
Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin/Franziska Nentwig (ed.): Wohlstandstraum / Nuclear Family. Ein Foto-Essay von Kermit Berg 2009 – 2011, Verlag M – Stadtmuseum Berlin GmbH, Berlin 2014, 15 €.