Events Sunday 9.10.

10:00 am

Classical Architectural Photography

with Björn Albert

Flughafen Tempelhof, Tempelhofer Damm 1–7, 12101 Berlin,

10:00 am

Michael Ackermann Workshop

During this weekend Michael Ackerman will share with you his instinctive and visionary approach to photography.
The goal of this workshop is to challenge, inspire and help each other get deeper into the territory that we are exploring as photographers ...

Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin,

1:00 pm

The Photo–Portfolio

How do I show a prospective, curator or gallery owner, the essence of my works? Is the ideal form of presentation, the portfolio, the wall or the Web? What is the interaction between form and content?
The aim of the ...

Projektraum | PhotoWerkBerlin Hohenzollerndamm 176 10713 Berlin