Events Sunday 9.10.

12:00 pm

Human dignity in photography

Guided Tour with Thomas Billhardt through the exhibition on Human dignity in photography

BFF - Berufsverband Freie Fotografen und Filmgestalter c/o Kant-Garagenpalast Kantstraße 126 10625 Berlin

1:00 pm

Portrait in photography

Guided Tour with Michael Bader through the exhibition on Portrait in photography

BFF - Berufsverband Freie Fotografen und Filmgestalter c/o Kant-Garagenpalast Kantstraße 126 10625 Berlin

2:00 pm

Well or well done?

Guided tour with Tobias Habermann and Simon Puschmann through the exhibition on Well or well done?

BFF - Berufsverband Freie Fotografen und Filmgestalter c/o Kant-Garagenpalast Kantstraße 126 10625 Berlin