Events Sunday 16.10.

11:00 am

Family workshop to the exhibition "Lucia Moholy - The English Years"

Inspired by the exhibition "Lucia Moholy - The English Years" participants from 5 years can do practically work themselves during the family workshop.

Bauhaus-Archiv - Museum für Gestaltung Klingelhöferstraße 14 10785 Berlin

12:00 pm

Werkschau - Portfolio Review

PhotoWerkBerlin invites 4 photo experts to the Werkschau (Portfolio Reviews) at Projectspace | PhotoWerkBerlin who will re-view and critique your portfolio. Here‘s your opportunity to present your art and gain the expertise, experience and contacts of the following professional photo-artists ...

Projektraum | PhotoWerkBerlin Hohenzollerndamm 176 10713 Berlin