Events Saturday 22.10.

4:00 pm

Guided tour with curators

Guided tour through the exhibition Habseligkeiten with the curators Katharina Schilling and Benny Golm as well as participating artists.

Haus am Lützowplatz Lützowplatz 9 10785 Berlin

7:00 pm

10 years GfHF – The Anniversary Party

The Society for Humanistic Photography (Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie – GfHF) was founded in 2006. Since then we are promoting engaged auteur photography that focuses on socially relevant issues. In exhibitions, realized in collaboration with museums and cultural institutions in ...

Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie (GfHF), Legiendamm 16, 10179 Berlin,

7:00 pm

Discrete Mechanisms

Artist's Talk with the participating artists of the exhibition: Louis de Belle, John Heinke, Henriette Kriese, Jeanette Goßlau, Anke Heelemann, Nina Röder, Nora Stroebel.

Galerie Eigenheim Linienstraße 130 2. Hinterhof 10115 Berlin