The Photographs of Lars Nickel

Lars Nickel

The presentation in the photography and prints cabinet of the Märkisches Museum brings together two portrait series by the Berlin-based photographer Lars Nickel: Beletage (Piano Nobile) and Maientage (May Days), staged colour images and shots in black and white.

The first series presents people in the private environment of their homes as an expression of their individuality, and offers sensitive views and insights into Berlin’s middle class, from retirees in need of assistance, to working parents, to the proud owners of stylish residences.

On the other hand, when observing people at the funfair during Neukölln’s May Days in Volkspark Hasenheide, Nickel employs the intuitive resources of street photography. His main interest is in moments of concentration, fascination, and also, frequently, of rapture. These are poetic moments that capture viewers’ attention while leaving them free to study the social and cultural backgrounds of the festival’s visitors. Thus, the much-touted ‘Berlin mix’, the peaceful coexistence of a wide range of milieus, becomes visible in Nickel’s meticulously printed photo series.


27.Oct 6:00 pm

BELETAGE & ZUCKERWATTE Ein Gespräch mit dem Berliner Fotografen Lars Nickel

Artist Talk

Die Kuratorin der Fotografischen Sammlung des Stadtmuseums Berlin, Ines Hahn, spricht mit dem Künstler über seine Arbeitsweise und seine stilistisch sehr unterschiedlichen Bildserien "Beletage" und "Maientage".

Organized by Märkisches Museum

Märkisches Museum Am Köllnischen Park 5 10179 Berlin…

3€ / 2€