A Place to Live

Stéphane Lelarge

On his bicycle, with his Linhofcamera in his bag, Stéphane Lelarge travels through European capitals in search of people living in an unconventional manner. Along the way, he finds remote places that give off an air that is both ghostly and enigmatic – blind spots on the map right in the middle of the city.
Lelarge rides through abandoned gardens where people ‘without papers’ live illegally in Europe. He crosses fallow areas occupied by Europeans who have fled the economic crisis in search of a new Eldorado. Most of the people he encounters have one thing in common: they all live differently from the rest as they improvise their lives on the fringes of society and create new locations – niches to occupy in search of A Place to Live.
Lelarge’s encounters with these people pose questions: how does our society react to the various challenges Europe is facing today? What are the effects of the social changes occurring globally on individual concepts for living?