Bruno Schulz – Mariusz Kubielas — In Transitu

Photo Series by Mariusz Kubielas

Mariusz Kubielas

This unique artistic experiment by Mariusz Kubielas, inspired by the literary and graphic work of the Polish-Jewish artist Bruno Schulz, started in 2004. Kubielas began staging Schulz’s works in performances and pantomimes together with a group of models and actors. The theatrical and surrealist moments were ultimately captured in photos. On the one hand, the images record visions; on the other, they reflect emotions and group-dynamic processes resulting from the several days of this creative process. These evocative black-and-white photographs have been realised without any digital processing.
This transmedia photo project, complemented by excerpts of Schulz’s prose and metaphoric titles, evokes the lost reality of Eastern European culture in the interwar period. Its magical aura, created in part by Kubielas’s ‘Cabinet of Historical Photo Techniques’, transcends the boundaries of time and space.